Topic: EA studio program

Hi, I’m interesting if there some way to download Ea Studio like the FSB pro. The program already use processing power of our own CPU so it would be nice if we could build strategies offline and have more security in case the website stop working.

Re: EA studio program

BernardAlmeida wrote:

Hi, I’m interesting if there some way to download Ea Studio like the FSB pro. The program already use processing power of our own CPU so it would be nice if we could build strategies offline and have more security in case the website stop working.


You're correct -- it does execute on your local PC, using its processing power (I believe it is coded in Java Script).  And, in fact, it can run offline.  Try it -- disconnect your PC from the Internet and you can continue to generate / backtest strategies.  An Internet connection is required to login, but once you've logged-in then most features appear to work.

3 (edited by BernardAlmeida 2022-07-31 13:28:37)

Re: EA studio program

Hi, I know that we can run EA Studio offline before login, the problem is if we have no connection or the website run out, we can’t any streategy to build, optimize or validation.
If there’s someway to save the page and preserve the functions to use offline, please someone tell me.

Re: EA studio program

EA Studio needs the internet to load its content, data files, fx exchange rates, and authentication.

Then the complete workflow is computed on your local machine.

> if we have no connection ...., we can’t any streategy to build, optimise or validation.

I assume if you are offline, you will not need strategies simply because you will not be able to trade them.

> or the website run out

We spend a lot of time and resources to prevent such a case. The website has been online for 15 years and will continue to operate for the foreseeable future.

We designed the EA Studio backend to consume minimal resources and not rely on third-party dependencies. We even created specialised databases for the historical data and application content.

If something very, very extraordinary happens and it is wholly impossible to serve EA Studio online, it will take us a single click to make the complete project public.

If the possibility of EA Studio going offline is your biggest problem with algotrading, you are in a much better position than us.

Re: EA studio program

Hi, thanks for reply, that is not my biggest problem sad
But I’ve been doing some tests to validation and I’ve looking at the fsb pro and don’t understanding why the studio doesn’t have this compability.
You guys have some kind of validation config that work well in real market for a couple of months after the period used to create the strategy?
Ive doing some tests with walk forward and will be testing tomorrow in a pessimistic condition.