1 (edited by jeevan 2020-07-25 20:12:40)

Topic: Bollinger band indicator shift parameter missing

Bollinger bands indicator has no shift parameter which is very important.

Displaced bollinger bands projects bands into future.

See for Reference : Displaced moving average (DMA)

Displaced bollinger bands concept is not found on the internet or in books. but displaced moving average , displaced keltner channels can be found on the internet for reference.

Uses of Displaced bollinger bands (simply shifting bands forward using shift parameter):

1. Removes lag
2. Shows support and resistance
3. Used for identifying cycles, elliott waves and harmonic patterns.
4. MOst importantly : used for setting profit targets or taking profits.

attaching jpg that shows how effective the bollinger bands indicator becomes using the shift parameter for taking profits.

please kindly fix the indicator - your's faithful -jeevan.

“If by chance I have omitted anything more or less proper or necessary, I beg forgiveness, since there is no one who is without fault and circumspect in all matters.”

      ― Leonardo Fibonacci

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Re: Bollinger band indicator shift parameter missing

Hello Jeevan,

We cannot plot the indicator values in the future in real trading.

In real life the most recent correct value is from the previous bar closing.

Re: Bollinger band indicator shift parameter missing

Popov wrote:

Hello Jeevan,

We cannot plot the indicator values in the future in real trading.

In real life the most recent correct value is from the previous bar closing.

i mean this.
in moving average we have shift parameter just like that even bollinger bands will also have shift parameter.
see the below jpg

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Re: Bollinger band indicator shift parameter missing

thank you for giving quick response
i hope you understood what i meant to say.

under parameters shift is not included in bollinger bands.

thank you.

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bbmt4.JPG 25.65 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

bbshift.JPG 26.05 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

mamt4.JPG 24.86 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

mashift.JPG 26 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Bollinger band indicator shift parameter missing

Try this one.

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BollingerBandswithshift.cs 25.95 kb, 18 downloads since 2020-07-25 

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