Topic: How to Expot the FSB Indicators to MT4 MT5
Please let me know how to export the Indicators ".cv" to the MT4 - MT5 formats
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Forex Software → Technical Indicators → How to Expot the FSB Indicators to MT4 MT5
Please let me know how to export the Indicators ".cv" to the MT4 - MT5 formats
You have to recode them to mq4 or mq5 respectively. Mostly they are all available in MT, custom indis are in large parts portings from mq4, so you can use those if you find them.
How do I record then to MT4 .
I mean from where?
Standard indis = original indicators set: FSB Pro Indicators
Custom indis are in FSB's Indicators folder.
all standard indicators and many of the custom indicators for FSB Pro have C# version for FSB Pro and MQL version for MT4/5. We recommend you to use only these indicators. However, it is completely possible to code manually any available C# indicator in MQL. It can be done only manually because there is no automatic converter.
Thank you.
1.- So in theory if I delete all Indicators form MT4 or MT5 the EA form FSB will run.
2.- Also the Auto trading console will execute all EA from there without the need to load them into the MT4, only the EA for MT5 will require to be compile and loaded?
3.- When trading form the Auto trader console any manual order is placed under the to the EA parameters been use? so no need to change the Stop Loss. Take Profit or Trailing parameters for the manual order?
4.- In reference to the above point if an order is entered contrary to the EA commands for ex. if I enter a 10 lot Sell even if the order is executed and a few seconds later the EA executes a Buy order , then the sell manual entry position will be closed and a new position from the EA will be executed - been net long final result?
Will the same apply if the EA is limited to a maximun of 20 lots and a manual order could be implemented over that limit? and if so Still this order is managed by the EA?
FSB's EA is a standalone independent expert. Indicators, which are or are not present in your metatraders, do not interfere or influence the behaviour of FSB's EAs.
Forex Software → Technical Indicators → How to Expot the FSB Indicators to MT4 MT5
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