Topic: Portfolio Summary Stats - occasional slowness/failure


New user here.  Perhaps I am making a user error, but...

Most of the time, when I add Strategies from the Collection to the Portfolio, the Stats are calculated on the Portfolio Summary fairly quickly (even before I leave the Collection tab and go to the Portfolio tab), and without me doing anything.  But, sometimes nothing seems to happen unless I click on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button. 

Additionally, sometimes clicking on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button works/completes, but sometimes the Progress only gets up to about 80%, then a Chrome "aw, snap" error occurs.  I have tried various things, like closing/re-opening Chrome, and re-doing the process multiple times, but the problem can persist.   Hot flash: I think I just noticed that the Summary Stats which had remained blank initially, when I did nothing and walked away, when I came back the Stats had been calculated in my absence.  Is patience sometimes a requirement?

Thanks in advance for any assistance or insights.

Re: Portfolio Summary Stats - occasional slowness/failure

But, sometimes nothing seems to happen unless I click on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button.

It depends if EA Studio has relevant calculations of the strategy. If it is a newly loaded strategy or a collection, or you have changed the market or something other, you have to use the "Calculate" button to calculate the Portfolio's aggregate statistics.

but sometimes the Progress only gets up to about 80%, then a Chrome "aw, snap" error occurs.

The Portfolio must calculate flawlessly. It looks like it has some damaged loaded strategy in the collection that causes the problem. Please send me your Collection, and I'll try to find a solution to the problem.

Re: Portfolio Summary Stats - occasional slowness/failure

Dunn wrote:

Additionally, sometimes clicking on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button works/completes, but sometimes the Progress only gets up to about 80%, then a Chrome "aw, snap" error occurs.  I have tried various things, like closing/re-opening Chrome, and re-doing the process multiple times, but the problem can persist.   Hot flash: I think I just noticed that the Summary Stats which had remained blank initially, when I did nothing and walked away, when I came back the Stats had been calculated in my absence.  Is patience sometimes a requirement?

For "aw, snap" follow the instructions on the web page.

Go to your browser drop down menu on your top right hand corner and click "more tools" and click "clear browsing data" and most probably will solve your "aw, snap" issue.

You need to do this every now and then to clear your browser