Topic: Portfolio Summary Stats - occasional slowness/failure
New user here. Perhaps I am making a user error, but...
Most of the time, when I add Strategies from the Collection to the Portfolio, the Stats are calculated on the Portfolio Summary fairly quickly (even before I leave the Collection tab and go to the Portfolio tab), and without me doing anything. But, sometimes nothing seems to happen unless I click on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button.
Additionally, sometimes clicking on the Portfolio Summary Calculate button works/completes, but sometimes the Progress only gets up to about 80%, then a Chrome "aw, snap" error occurs. I have tried various things, like closing/re-opening Chrome, and re-doing the process multiple times, but the problem can persist. Hot flash: I think I just noticed that the Summary Stats which had remained blank initially, when I did nothing and walked away, when I came back the Stats had been calculated in my absence. Is patience sometimes a requirement?
Thanks in advance for any assistance or insights.