Topic: Generator Settings
First of all, let me say that you have a marvelous backtesting product here. It has allowed me to come up with quite a few profitable strategies that have worked in the live market.
What I wanted to ask about today was the possibility of some new generator settings. I believe that these would make the program even better. Let me elaborate.
1) Option for minimum win/loss ratio:
For some strategies that I develop, I'd rather have a minimum % victory versus maximum drawdown to the account. Mainly as if there is less risk in the trade, I can use more lots without worrying as much.
2) Maximum additions to current logic:
Because I analyze in the long term in terms of bars (30-50k), sometimes the generator crashes itself because it loads up 5-6 logic rules for opening and 2-3 more for closing, and it gets a giant X over the graph. Not so good. Plus, in some cases, I don't really want to worry about trying to read 5 indicators in real life.
So, an option to set a maximum number of logic rules for opening and closing would be nice. It might also optimize the generator a bit, in that, there would be less maximum combinations in the end.
3) Minimum number of trades:
In some of the generated strategies that the program comes up with, there are only 2-3 trades for an entire year. Yea, it might be the most profitable settings possible. But I'm not the type to sit around and wait 3-4 months for a single trade. So, an option to set a minimum number of trades in a time frame would be nice.
This is all I have for now, and I'll say it once again. Thanks for making such a great product!