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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Import Multicharts historical data

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Posts: 4

Topic: Import Multicharts historical data

The csv data export from Multichart is separator by semicolon (instead of TAB), is it possible to import into FSB?

Re: Import Multicharts historical data

If this is the only difference, FSB pro will accept the files correctly.
If it doesn't work, please post 5-10 lines of the data file and we will think of a solution.

3 (edited by kng180 2018-12-25 13:52:28)

Re: Import Multicharts historical data

Here is the content
<Date>, <Time>, <Open>, <High>, <Low>, <Close>, <UpVolume>, <DownVolume>, <TotalVolume>, <UpTicks>, <DownTicks>, <TotalTicks>

Re: Import Multicharts historical data

This format is not suitable. Please see the proper variants here:  Data file format.

Posts: 4

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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Import Multicharts historical data

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