Topic: Any tricks/tips anyone willing to share?

I've been slowly learning what I can about EA Studio and there is a bit of learning involved which is awesome!  I was just wondering if anyone had any tricks they've learned along the way that has helped them such as how they filter strategies or the timeframe they've had the most success with EA Studio or perhaps even SL/TP settings they like using?  Anything to help some fellow EA Studio users out.

Re: Any tricks/tips anyone willing to share?

Yes Dan, My recomendation is to study topics created by those value members from our community @sleytus, hannahis , @footon and @geektrader.

Litteraly study them guys. Those guys are the bests.

Another thing I highly recommend is the courses about EA Studio at udemy;
You can buy it at a really cheap price (less than $15) at the next black friday promotion (23 november) wink
So pay attention and buy thoses:

Forex Algorithmic Trading-Build Portfolios of EAs- No coding
Trading portfolio Expert Advisors + 100 strategies included
Automated Forex trading + 99 Expert Advisors every month
Top 10 GBPUSD Expert Advisors - Forex Algorithmic trading
Basic Cryptocurrency trading course + 12 Trading Robots
The Ethereum trading in 2018 + 99 Algorithmic Trading Robots
Forex strategy course: Portfolio trading with 12 Robots

Many many hours explaining how to use EA Studio and handcraft trading strategies, great cost benefit!

Best regards