Topic: Doji Indicator for MT4

I am interested in downloading the Doji indicator into MT4 to test a doji strategy as it seem the strategy does not work unless the indicator is also installed on the MT4.

I am presuming that the EA functions differently in FSB Pro to MT4 because of this.

Please confirm this If I am wrong Popov

Re: Doji Indicator for MT4

Yes, you are wrong. Indis to MT are not needed. Upload your EA so it can be checked if something is not correct.

Re: Doji Indicator for MT4

Here is my Doji EA

Post's attachments

Doji_EMA5_12 Reverse.mq4 255.37 kb, 15 downloads since 2018-02-10 

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Re: Doji Indicator for MT4

It is working just fine, trades match and everything between FSB and MT. Don't forget FSB is the main backtesting tool, mt tester is much lesser in its efficiency. Tester just confirmed strategy works the same in mt as in FSB. Make sure you use same data and settings in mt, then it will work for you too.

Re: Doji Indicator for MT4

Thanks Footon