Topic: Collection marks the new data zone after Recalculate

Hello Traders,

There is a new update to EA Studio available. (reload the app)

When you load an old collection and "Recalculate" it with newer data, it marks the zone of the new data with green. It makes it easily to see how the strategy performs on the new unknown data. This a visual representation only. The stats on th erecords panels is for the full data set.

The green zone disappear if you open the strategy on the Editor for review. The reason is that the Editor recalculates the strategy and updates the stats in the Collection. 

Trade Safe!

2 (edited by araza 2018-01-06 05:00:56)

Re: Collection marks the new data zone after Recalculate

Man....whatever I think you this feature.

3 (edited by sleytus 2018-01-06 05:59:16)

Re: Collection marks the new data zone after Recalculate

Do you mean that it shows the *new* balance line and the *new* chunk of data (in green)?

What might also be interesting is if you could show both the old and new balance lines -- in this way we could compare how (or whether) the new data affects a strategy's performance.  This would could give us a clue as to how often to update the data set and, also, how big a chunk of new data is required in order to really make a difference. 

Better yet -- to also include before and after SQN or sharpe ratio?  I don't know -- it would be interesting to learn whether new data improves the statistics and by how much.  It is also possible for new data to generate a worse strategy -- and it would be nice to be able to detect if / when that occurs.


Re: Collection marks the new data zone after Recalculate

Would be really cool if it did the same to the balance chart on the portfolio summary page also...