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Forex Software → Help and Support → EA Studio Data Export.mq4 - problem on my broker's Real account data

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Posts: 3

Topic: EA Studio Data Export.mq4 - problem on my broker's Real account data

Hi there

Firstly wishing you all a happy, healthy and very prosperous New Year! : )

I'm having a problem exporting Real Account data from my broker to try out the Generator in EA Studio - which I see appears to require .json files.

- I'm curious how/if it differs from the Generator in FSB Pro. I have watched the Tutorials - "Create a Strategy that Profits for 6 Months" and "5. Generating Expert Advisors - EA Studio User Guide" - so have done a little homework and some trial and error 'process of elimination' attempts before asking here..

EA Studio Data Export.mq4 - doesn't work on my broker's Real account data but works fine on a Demo account's data.

The Currency Pair symbol names on the Real account display in the MT4 'Market Watch panel' as e.g. EURUSD.. vs. in the Demo account EURUSD - with no dots. The corresponding .hst files in the MT4/History folder are named this way too:
On a Real Account: EURUSD..60.hst and Demo Account: EURUSD60.hst

I was helped in the past to learn how to easily resolve this problem when manually exporting files into FSB Pro as .cvs files: they simply need to be renamed to remove the 2 x extra dots.

So, the only thing I can think of is the Data Export script doesn't recognize the .hst files named with the 2 x extra dots?

I'm not a programmer.. so looking through the source code - I can't easily see anything I can change regarding this.
- perhaps there is some way to easily resolve this e.g. if I can be shown how to make a small alteration to the source code?
e.g. here maybe?

    for (int p = 0; p < ArraySize(periods); p++)
        string fileName = _Symbol + PeriodToStr(periods[p]) + ".json";
        string data     = GetSymbolData(_Symbol, periods[p]);
        SaveFile(fileName, data);

(I would prefer to use my broker's Real Account data because I've noticed [my] systems perform worse/differently on Real vs. Demo account data, for whatever reasons...)

Any advice much appreciated.

Thank you.

Re: EA Studio Data Export.mq4 - problem on my broker's Real account data

How long have you been using your live broker account for? If you did the "hold home key" on each timeframe before using the export data script, then it could be your account is too new?

Re: EA Studio Data Export.mq4 - problem on my broker's Real account data

This issue happens also to other users, which brokers use additional characters to the symbol name.

I'll test various solutions to make the symbol name clean before the export. It is a problem that MT doesn't support regular expressions and UTF and I have to use code that "smells".

The general solution is to remove all characters that are not alphabet characters or digits.

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