Topic: Custom Indicator load
How can I load my custom indicator?
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Forex Software → Help and Support → Custom Indicator load
How can I load my custom indicator?
Put your custom indicator file in the Indicators folder.
Path: Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Indicators
Hi Footon
Is there a way to compile indicator without to rerun the software i.e. by pressing a combination of keys?
Thanks in advance
Try Control Panel -> Indicatos -> Reload custom indicators.
Thanks Mr.Popov
Can i load Indicators with .ex4 filename?
"ex4" is an extension of the MT compiled indicators. They are only for MetaTrader.
We use indicators with .cs extension.
Ok, when i not have .cs
Then not possible. Right?
You can find many custom indicators in our repository. Please see this article for more help: Repository Indicators
Normally the new users download all indicators and switch on all options of the program but it is a good idea to start learning the program slowly step by step.
Ok. But i have a very good Indicator. Only as ex4.
No, i Show all Videos from Tutorial. It is not easy with my bad Englisch. But with Show and Pause and click in Program to learn, it works slowly )
Custom Indicator is not shown in to be able to incorporate it as an opening logic?
Please avdise
it is a mq4 and I loaded it to the custom indicator folder. In addition, even the loaded indicators from the FSB forum are not showing. What I am missing?
it is a mq4 and I loaded it to the custom indicator folder. In addition, even the loaded indicators from the FSB forum are not showing. What I am missing?
You can't use indicators written in mq4. FSB needs indicators written in c# in a specific format. mq4 indicators have to be re-coded in order to use them in the program.
Forex Software → Help and Support → Custom Indicator load
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