1 (edited by a0011010011 2016-05-18 12:19:30)

Topic: Do the exact opposite!!

I have this EA, The problem is that it does the exact opposite of what it needs to do, It Sells when it is supposed to buy and buys when it is supposed to sell!!!

What do i add to fix this ?


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Re: Do the exact opposite!!

Can you attach a chart and point where it buys / sells wrong?

3 (edited by a0011010011 2016-05-18 12:30:56)

Re: Do the exact opposite!!

The problem is that the conditions are perfect! These conditions reversed will give different results, and will not start the trade.

The problem would also be if I reversed it all what do i do with the gator Oscillator? leave it to contracts ?

4 (edited by a0011010011 2016-05-18 12:36:05)

Re: Do the exact opposite!!

Popov wrote:

Can you attach a chart and point where it buys / sells wrong?

In Metatrader, on live sales, EVERY TIME there is a spike and then a drop

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opposite trade.jpg 52.69 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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