Re: How strong should MT4 computer be?


Thank you for your answer.

You are proposing to adjust strategies to the strength of the trading computer, but in my opinion it should be just the opposite. Our good EAs are a “holy grail” and computer should serve those without any “questions” asked. Of course in the real world computers are not perfect, even the best one can (probably) have problems during volatile market conditions. But good EAs are too precious to be downsized to the weak trading computer.

Building on my resent experiences, my conclusions is that the (home based) trading computer should be much more powerful than I am using today. Probably during most of the trading time, a “weak” computer is enough. But we are developing EAs which should withstand bombardment from real word. The volatile bomb can explode maybe only one time during a year, with potential to devastate my account – but proper EA should couple with such event. Same can be said about computer running trading soft. The superb EA is worth nothing if it cannot connect to the volatile market because of computer’s limitations.

Another solution is to use VPS. I will probably, in time, move in this direction. But I am today relocating my trading activities to a stronger computer.


Re: How strong should MT4 computer be?

VPS is  the option that you should be very careful with unless you are prepared to spend a lot of money monthly.

Many VPS providers do not commit a fixed set of resources...... you get a portion of their capacity which may be very small when busy.

Your choice of more power is the best choice, assuming the latency is suitable.