Dear Mr. Popov,
First of all:
I am your big fan and I appreciate your huge effort much!
I would never afford to use the word “complaint” when discussing any issue concerning your “magnificent baby” Forex Strategy Builder. All I do here is purely a friendly effort to help you to make your product a little better from time to time. English is not my mother language, therefore sometimes my words may sound sharply, but this is not an intent, only my imperfection.
Now back to the issue (some statements may sound provocative, but I only try to express shortly and clearly what I want to say, nothing more):
Day Opening vs. gap
Yes, I know that the gap is the problem. I used Day Opening only as an example that it basically also always starts trades in more or less unnormal conditions. Otherwise, I have developed several very promising strategies using this kind of entry. I only hope my MT4 platform will allow to trade them successfully also in real trading conditions.
Gaps, Brokers
I know that brokers are bad guys who always try to steel my money. But this is the game and in the case of opening gaps the rules of this game are more or less foreseeable for me. Therefore I have no reason to complaint against my broker in this discussed case. My broker just played the game I had expected = he performed my signal in the proximity of the initial gap.
My worries invokes the behaviour of the FSB backtester – why it does not allow to show trades performed in more similar way, like (bad) real brokers do that? I would rather appreciate when the backtester showed worse performance of the strategy, but closer to later real conditions. In our discussed case the backtester should rather enter at the Waypoint 1 than to wait until the market returns to the ideal entry level. This was nice, but less realistic.
Moreover, when the testing Method shows to “Pessimistic”, I would really expect that the backtester shows the worse possible scenario and that the later trading reality will be the same or better. In the case of the discussed trade this trade even was not marked among “Ambiguous bars”. So that I got no warn sign from the backtester about the danger of later problems in real trading.
Once more thanks for all and kind regards,