1 (edited by Niek.de.Bruijn61 2015-06-01 15:07:21)

Topic: Intrabar scanning


I have an EURUSD M1 strategy but intrabar scanning give the message Not accomplished. What for impact this has on strategy? working good or not?
How can I intrabar scanning do get accomplished on M1 time frame?


Re: Intrabar scanning

You are right that it doesn't make sense. Ignore that message. We'll fix it in the next release.

Re: Intrabar scanning

I use Into the strategy the indicator ¨Hourly High Low¨ with the settings But when i see the journal then strategy trade example at 7 hour? why?

Re: Intrabar scanning

This question is not related to the "Intrabar scanning" topic.

I'm not able to answer you with the information you provided. Please post the strategy and a screenshot with note of the problem you have experienced in order to be able to comment the result.