Topic: System.OutOfMemoryException

I received the following error while Generator was running on one of my instances:
Error: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
Please report this error in the support forum!

I have recently increased the max bars to 500,000, but my current dataset is using only 174559 (5min)

The weird thing is that, even though this error dialog is on the screen, the Generator is still running in the background. If I press Close on the error box, everything looks normal (Generator still running) but the box eventually comes back.

In the Task Manager, it shows the application is consuming between 400,000K - 600,000K approximately. I'm not sure what the 32-bit limit is, but perhaps it is getting close?  The system itself has plenty of RAM.

PS: let me know if there is a debug log somewhere to find

Re: System.OutOfMemoryException

Generator catches these errors and continues further.

The main goal is to catch an indicator error. This "Out of memory" exception is rather non-deterministic.

I'm running FSB Generator on VS debugger without try/catch code in order to find where it will eventually crash.

It sometimes goes to over than 6GB RAM when running several Generator instances. The problem is that the VS2013 freezes and the whole system starts lagging. (Intel i7 - 8GB).

So far no luck in finding a crash spot.

Re: System.OutOfMemoryException

Maybe this will help:

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osc-of-macd-error.png 3.68 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: System.OutOfMemoryException

On second thought... it seems I am getting the out-of-memory on several indicators (more than 10)... so it is probably another reason.

Re: System.OutOfMemoryException

I have also experience Out of Memory problem when I use certain indicators.

Re: System.OutOfMemoryException

Here is a screen capture

Post's attachments

ScreenHunter_323 May. 30 20.46.jpg
ScreenHunter_323 May. 30 20.46.jpg 27.7 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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