Topic: Lot/unit sizes

Naturally these lot sizes need to edited of course, correct?
Contract size for EURUSD is 12,500
USDJPY 10,000
GBPUSD 6,250
AUDUSD 10,000
Correct? I am I getting this right? This needs to edited into the lot size here so it is trading the correct $ amounts?

Re: Lot/unit sizes

Or am I mistaken, and everything is 100,000 across the board? My numbers were taken from CME group E-micro future's FX contracts.

Alpari's data says a 1.0 lot =100,000 units for every pair.

Re: Lot/unit sizes

It also says the digits for Gold/silver points value decimal must be 5. The correction should be 2. Gold is not XXXX.00001. It should be XXXX.01 for both gold & silver.

Re: Lot/unit sizes

Will you be trading Forex through a Forex broker or Futures...

Right click on MT4 list of pairs and u will have a menu, click on 'symbols', then select one and clock on properties. That should help you.

Re: Lot/unit sizes

That's perfect, I'm using Forex broker. That solved that. Thanks a bunch!

Re: Lot/unit sizes

Ok, next problem- Changing the lot/unit size doesnt change anything.
Gold trades in 100 Ozs for 1 lot.
I dont think FSB understands that.
I changed the "lot size" in "symbols" on FSB from 10000 to 100 for XAUUSD. My equity curve did not change, nothing, nada. Therefore this does not change anything and FSB is incorrectly trading the size of gold giving very very wild equity curves. Very unrealistic. Suggestions?