Topic: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Dear colleagues
I was created a strategy based on a daily chart and suddenly, through the generator, I got a WTF moving average as closing condition based on a 5 min chart. Is this possible? I thought the WTF would be based on a larger scale (in this case, weekly for example).
I still tried to import this strategy into FST but it couldn't calculate the value of the moving average, which is understandable.
Can you comment please?
Cheers and thanks

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Can you post the strategy for us to check.

3 (edited by nquental 2013-09-04 21:56:58)

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Sure, it's attached.

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SPX500 1d long.xml 10.62 kb, 1 downloads since 2013-09-04 

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Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

About the issue - if you load lower TF, the indi is built to return out of calculation loop silently, without error. And it shouldn't produce results. Did you get a meaningful result out of the generator? And you can't reproduce it?

5 (edited by Popov 2013-09-05 08:51:46)

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Yes, the result is good. It's funny because the result of the moving average is always zero no matter which parameters I choose. However, if I remove the indicator, the equity line changes dramatically.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

nquental wrote:

Yes, the result is good. It's funny because the result of the moving average is always zero no matter which parameters I choose. However, if I remove the indicator, the equity line changes dramatically.

Do I understand you correctly that if you keep the WTF indi (m5) and switch parameters, like period, you don't get different results in equity line. But when you delete the indi, equity line changes and goes worse?

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Yes, exactly.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

This is presumably bad news, seems like a bug. I tried to replicate it on the old version, but I don't get results. Indicator fails silently as expected. Can this be because of the new indicator version?

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Perhaps, I don't know. I think I've used the most recent versions of the indicator and of FSB.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Hello. The problem persists, do think it would be possible to post corrected versions of the WTF indicators? At least the moving average, which is appearing more often.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Not possible?

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

First it needs confirmation of the bug, then bug hunting, then correction and only then it can be posted.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

My thinking is that the program is geared to find the most profitable strategy......... which in this case it has....

In a way, what we name the average is not important, it is the profit that matters, user may be quite pleased to have a misnamed average generating significant profits.

Perhaps we have to be thankful that the thing generated this solution.

If the 'bug' is corrected, the indicator will be forced to a higher time frame and the solution may not be available.

Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

The only problem here is that WTF indicator is used in Generator.
I think that all WTF indicators have to be marked with: IsGeneratable = false; because Generator cannot properly set WTF period.

In this strategy, the exit logic indicator value is always 0. It means that FSB will not send exit signals. All positions are closed at SL or TP.

I just uploaded a new indicator NoNo Indicator. This indicator does not send signals.

You can change WTF MA or Bar Closing indicators with NoNo Indicator.

The backtest result will be different due to different FirstBar of WTF and NoNoIndicator. This can be corrected by using Data Bars Filter.

You can also remove Permanent SL and TP with "Stop Limit" indicator.

Post's attachments

SPX500 1d long V2.xml 12.23 kb, 1 downloads since 2013-09-25 

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Re: WTF indicator on a daily strategy

Humm I didn't understand very well the logic of it because the idea was to enable use WTF MA in the generator but ensuring that only the right time frames could be used. Would it be possible for the indicator to read the time frame of the strategy and make it only accept higher time frames?
