Topic: Dukascopy Tick Data into Forex Strategy Builder


How to create a file containing tick data in the Tickstory Lite program and also how to export it into MT4 with tweaks is pretty straight forward. But how about getting such a file into the Forex Strategy Builder instead of MT4? I can´t find any information about that. I have been trying a whole day and is getting nowhere with my trial and error methodology.

Handling databases and data files is not one of my strong sides (that´s a huge understatement). My love/hate relationship with computers quickly turns into just hate when trying.

Am I doomed to sail like the Flying Dutchman in the misty North Sea for ever and never reaching port? Or is there a kind soul out there who can rescue me. A step by step instruction (for dummies like me) would be very much appreciated!

Re: Dukascopy Tick Data into Forex Strategy Builder

Liberty wrote:


How to create a file containing tick data in the Tickstory Lite program and also how to export it into MT4 with tweaks is pretty straight forward. But how about getting such a file into the Forex Strategy Builder instead of MT4? I can´t find any information about that. I have been trying a whole day and is getting nowhere with my trial and error methodology.

Handling databases and data files is not one of my strong sides (that´s a huge understatement). My love/hate relationship with computers quickly turns into just hate when trying.

Am I doomed to sail like the Flying Dutchman in the misty North Sea for ever and never reaching port? Or is there a kind soul out there who can rescue me. A step by step instruction (for dummies like me) would be very much appreciated!

You may be well advised to use the Dukas Data as Tickstory data has holes.

Just import the Tickstory data into metatrader and export it to FSB data folder.  That being said, the Dukas data is far better quality

Re: Dukascopy Tick Data into Forex Strategy Builder

Thanks, Blaiserboy. Will try that.