Topic: Windows 8 issues

I run FSB2.77.4.0 and FST1.6.0.0 ->MT4-FST EA along with other EAs such as MT4 Protrader on my Win7 PC but cannot get the same MT4-FST EAs to even connect to a chart on this Win8 PC unless I click on 'Run as Administrator' whenever that option appears.  But once connected and activated I get trades on Win7 PC but not on Win8 PC. I get trades on both with MT4 ProTrader activated. Is there some way to get MT4-FST EA to 'run as administrator'. I can't even connect to a chart without clicking on that in several places, now.

Re: Windows 8 issues

jgp wrote:

I run FSB2.77.4.0 and FST1.6.0.0 ->MT4-FST EA along with other EAs such as MT4 Protrader on my Win7 PC but cannot get the same MT4-FST EAs to even connect to a chart on this Win8 PC unless I click on 'Run as Administrator' whenever that option appears.  But once connected and activated I get trades on Win7 PC but not on Win8 PC. I get trades on both with MT4 ProTrader activated. Is there some way to get MT4-FST EA to 'run as administrator'. I can't even connect to a chart without clicking on that in several places, now.

Both Trader and Mt4 must have the same permissions to communicate. Right click on the mt4 short cut and look under compatibility. If run in administrative mode is checked than right click on strategy trader and make sure it is checked there to. If it is not checked click on strategy trader and make sure it is not checked there. They must be the same. The two programs will only be allowed to communicate if they are given the same level of operation or permission. It is best to do it the way I described it because you do not want to loose any profiles or templates developed in administrative mode in Mt4. They are stored in a different location because of the permissions. I do not think this is a problem with the program, EA or Win 8 related. If it is program related than there are people here better able to answer it than me but I have replicated this on my computer. I am almost certain it is a permissions issue.  smile

Re: Windows 8 issues

I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 several days ago. I installed FSB, FST and MT4. All work flawlessly.
It means that in the general case, there is no issues with the programs.

Re: Windows 8 issues

Perhaps install them in the root instead of programs folders to avoid the rigorous permissions problem.

Re: Windows 8 issues

OMG, if I didn't already have ample evidence that Win8 totally sucks, I do now. Believe I followed your instructions for AlpariUS and AlpariUK and FST, but couldn't for FXCM MT4 [it doesn't seem to have a 'compatibility' tab anywhere] Will run a EURUSD and a GBPUSD chart on US and UK platforms over night and see if I get any FST trades.  will also run a couple of ProTrader EAs on different timeframe charts on the UK platform.  the eurusd Protrader EA just went short so I'll deactivate  gbpusd protrader EA. many, many thanks for your help.  hope alpari us and uk work now.

6 (edited by slowkey 2013-05-28 04:33:41)

Re: Windows 8 issues

jgp wrote:

OMG, if I didn't already have ample evidence that Win8 totally sucks, I do now. Believe I followed your instructions for AlpariUS and AlpariUK and FST, but couldn't for FXCM MT4 [it doesn't seem to have a 'compatibility' tab anywhere] Will run a EURUSD and a GBPUSD chart on US and UK platforms over night and see if I get any FST trades.  will also run a couple of ProTrader EAs on different timeframe charts on the UK platform.  the eurusd Protrader EA just went short so I'll deactivate  gbpusd protrader EA. many, many thanks for your help.  hope alpari us and uk work now.

Try going into the new start menu. Press on the f key. Find FXCM. Right click on it and you get a menu at the bottom of the page. Choose open file location. Now right click on the short cut at this location and see if it has a compatibility tab. That one should have the tab I would think. Some older programs like MT4 may not be installing there links  correctly yet but who knows. smile

Re: Windows 8 issues

Don't understand the why of your instructions, but amazingly enough I did in fact find the FXCM 'compatibility' tab and clicked on 'run as administrator' tab.  problem is that although that allowed me to attach the FST EA to a FXCM chart, the message on the  chart flickers between 'connected' and 'disconnected'.  Win8 wins again.

Re: Windows 8 issues

mine are continually flickering between connected and disconnected and I have assumed it is the quality of the connection.

9 (edited by jgp 2013-05-28 07:13:16)

Re: Windows 8 issues

I bought a new laptop with Windows 8 several days ago. I installed FSB, FST and MT4. All work flawlessly.
It means that in the general case, there is no issues with the programs

Master Popov, which versions of FSB, FST, MT4, and which user/compatibility settings?  some of us are having no problems with Win7 but Win8 is driving us nuts.  Is the secret to buy a new laptop, notebook, iPad or iPhone with some version of Win8 preinstalled?

10 (edited by jgp 2013-05-28 07:18:17)

Re: Windows 8 issues

mine are continually flickering between connected and disconnected and I have assumed it is the quality of the connection.

but Blaiserboy, does the flickering connection sometimes enter into trades, either on Demo or Live???

Re: Windows 8 issues

I don't think it is affecting trades.


Re: Windows 8 issues

Well, you're the expert.  But my Protrader EA indication on the chart it's connected to doesn't flicker.  And it trades, but the flickering FST EA doesn't.  Basically, in recent weeks, maybe months, my FST EAs trade merrily on Win7 and don't trade on Win8 no matter what I do.


Re: Windows 8 issues

Well, I give up.  FST2.01.0.0 -> FSTexpert seems to work fine for me on Win8 and AlpariUS and AlpariUK Mt4 platforms but on FXCM MT4 platform it flickers between being connected and disconnected and doesn't trade

Re: Windows 8 issues

I run quite a few ea at the same time with one broker and they are continually flickering, I did not do a study to see if I am missing trades so perhaps I should have not said anything.

Does metatrader journal tab or expert tab in FXCM give you any information re attempted entries?


Re: Windows 8 issues

FXCM proudly proclaimed recently that it had extensively modified its MT4 way of doing business, but I didn't understand what they did or why they did it.  gathered they cut out a third party.  But I'm still having FSB-FST problems [not just with FXCM] with Win8 on my new PC that I don't have with Win7 on my older PC or had with WinXP or with WinVista

Re: Windows 8 issues

Have you analyzed the journal and expert in Metatrader and the journal in FST.

Please provide those so that Popov can have a look, perhaps there is something in there that will give a clue as to the problem.


Re: Windows 8 issues

the flickering of connected-disconnected of FST EA on chart is not reflected in either MT4 or FST Journals

Re: Windows 8 issues

what about the fst journal........ is it sending trades......?

Please post this journal so Popov can look at it.......

There is no way he can do anything to help you if you are not giving him the details.

19 (edited by jgp 2013-05-29 02:51:24)

Re: Windows 8 issues

I can send MT4 and FST journals for the Win7 charts.  They look fine, normal. But I can't send MT4 [AlpariUS, AlpariUK, FXCM] and FST journal trades for the same EAs attached to the same charts on the Win8 PC  because there aren't any FST trades being made after weeks of being Connected to the Metatrader charts and  Automatic trade started.  Everthing looks fine [except for the flickering on FXCM] and ProTrader EAs on AlpariUK and FXCM are making auto trades as usual.  [there is no ProTrader AE on AlpariUK, but there are no FT trades on it either].  Let me say it again, the setup looks the same on my Win8 PC as on my Win7 PC.  Except that I don't get FST trades on Win8.  it's frustrating to put it mildly.

Re: Windows 8 issues

so we know that fst is not the problem, based on what you are saying, the problem is windows 8.

do you operate FST in program files or in the root..... I suggest that you operate in the root for FST and MT4 at least for a few hours so you can be sure it does not work there.

You may have done so already.

21 (edited by jgp 2013-05-29 03:28:00)

Re: Windows 8 issues

don't know what you mean 'operate in the root'.  Here's what I do on Win8.  I touch the left bottom of the screen and a totally useless "Start Sceen" appears.   I type "Computer" and a computer "apps" block appears. I click on it and  presto-change there appears the same window you get when you click on 'Computer' on Win7, WinXP et al. Then I right click onComputer-then-WindowC:-thenProgram Files [x86]-thenFST-thenFST.  When I open FSTapp  User Account Control asks me if I want to allow FST.exe to make changes to my PC.  I say yes [I am the only user and administrator on my PCs].  If I don't say yes to User Account Control every time it asks, and it asks on numerous occasions,  I'm henceforth dead in the water. So Win8 sucks, big time.  Or is it just UserAccountControl whatever that is????

Re: Windows 8 issues

I made a test with FXCM MT4, latest FST beta. Run 5 copies of Test Trade strategy on 1 min chart. There was no flickering, disconnection or what ever problems.

I don't think the problem is in the windows.

Run this tool: and check named pipes. Must be one pair for each chart.


Re: Windows 8 issues

downloaded the pipes tool but win8 won't let me open or run it. looks to me like if I just disable UserAccountControl, it can't hurt and it might even solve the no FST trade problem


Re: Windows 8 issues

got complacent since almost every thing I download for Win7 or Win8 knows it goes by default into ProgramFiles(x86).  Just discovered that everything I've downloaded from FSB-FST recently goes by default into ProgramFiles, not into ProgramFiles(x86).  Not sure that will solve my FSTexpert no-trade problems, but I am re-downloading FSB-FST files into ProgramFiles(x86) and redoing everything that relates to FSTexpert trading.  haven't disabled User Account Control yet.  One major redo at a time.  Win8 totally sucks.

25 (edited by jgp 2013-05-30 03:51:05)

Re: Windows 8 issues

Thanks to all and to all a good night:  Re-downloaded several recent FSB-FST files to ProgramFiles(x86), rather than to ProgramFiles.  regenerated a dozen or so strategies using FSBv2.98, connected 2 to charts on 3 different MT4 platforms using FSTv2.2.0.0.  appear to have one FST-EA trade already/;

2013.05.29 14:00:09    '1332039': order was opened : #21253597 sell 0.01 EURUSD at 1.29388 sl: 1.31437 tp: 1.28437
2013.05.29 14:00:09    '1332039': request in process
2013.05.29 14:00:09    '1332039': request was accepted by server
2013.05.29 14:00:09    '1332039': instant order sell 0.01 EURUSD at 1.29388 sl: 1.31437 tp: 1.28437
2013.05.29 11:23:40    Expert MT4-FST Expert EURUSD,Daily: loaded successfully

doesn't appear to be a good trade, though