Topic: Goals from v2.77 Beta to v2.80 Release
- Additional Statistics to be always calculated. (concerning custom sorting ) - Done
- Additional Stats to expose stats parameters in numeric values.- Done
- Adding option for showing / hiding Red/Green balance lines from Balance chart.- Done
- Generator settings panels to be scrollable in case of more parameters.- Done. Settings reorganized.
- Adding of Minimum Profit Per Day limitations in Generator.- Done
- Adding Red / Green balance lines deviation percent limitations.- Done
- Fixing GUI when higher font size is used.- Done when scale is x1.50
- Building own FSB Launcher (like in FSB Pro)- Done
- Fixing issue with unchecked "Logical group" menu item.- Done. announced Criteria tab.
- Adding link to FSB Pro somewhere in UI.- Done
- Testing possibilities for incorporating FSB Pro custom indicators format. - Done. FSB uses FSB Pro format.
- Testing and fixing all supported means of data import. (community help needed)
- Renewing of included historical demo data. (community help needed)
- Adding link to Strategy Repo- Done
- Fixing the language files with missing phrases (community help needed).
Milestone: 15th April 2013
Any suggestions are welcome.
Please remind me if I miss some confirmed bugs.