Topic: Opening position on crossover every time - What condition to use?

I have this EURUSD 5min strategy which is supposed to open Long position based on MA crossovers. The problem I am trying to solve is what condition to use for "Opening Point of the Position". Currently I have Previous Bar Opening condition, but it is opening only about 30% of positions  (please see screenshots).

My question is: What condition to use so the FST places some kind of waiting order every time when there is a crossover no matter on value of previous bar etc? Any help will be appreciated.

A) Everything correct here. Opening price of previous was in range of next bar

B) Here it missed to open position. Because the opening value from previous bar was not in range of next bar

Re: Opening position on crossover every time - What condition to use?

Maybe this is because of another filter what you have in your strategy.

Re: Opening position on crossover every time - What condition to use?

Hi, thank you for reply. The only filter I have in strategy is Long or Short (Open long positions only).

Strategy settings:

Opening Point of the Position
- Previous Bar Opening
- Moving Averages Crossover (the fast MA crosses the slow MA downward)
- Long or Short (Open long positions only).

Closing Point of the Position
- Stop Limit (stop loss or take profit)

Re: Opening position on crossover every time - What condition to use?

If you set Opening Point  = Bar Open, you'll get entry after each crossover.

Re: Opening position on crossover every time - What condition to use?

Ah, how simple. How could I miss this... Thank you very much Popov!