mel8331 wrote:Follow all the above instructions but still did not see the WTF Parabolic SAR indicator in the FST chart.
I had copy all the custom indicators from FSB into FST so there is no issue of FST not having the custom indicators FSB uses.
Thanks for your help on this, there are a couple more ideas that could cause this, let's see if we can find it.
My first guess is the WTF is set to equal or less than your current time frame; in this case, it does not show, this avoids errors.
If that doesn't solve it, sorry, have to go the long way, here are some questions in order to help me figure out what's going on on your FST:
Can you see the indi listed after: FST> Add an Opening Logic Condition? Verify after setting first logic slot to Bar Opening or Bar Closing.
Can you verify the indi is included in your strategy?
If the indicator is included in your strategy, can you see the indi info on the right when viewing the chart, in the dynamic info?
If you cannot see it in the dynamic info, can you verify the Wider Time Frame is higher than your current time frame? To prevent errors, if the Wider Time Frame is set to equal or lower than the current time frame (ex, current = m30, WTF = m5), it does not show up.
If you can see the dynamic info, does it have reasonable values? Example, for EURUSD, values around 1.32000, not values around 1320.000.
If it has reasonable values, are they within the range of the display axis of the chart?
If they are outside the display axis, what if you change the parameters to be very big or very small?
Thanks for your patience, let me know how that goes. If that hasn't found it, I'll have to think about this some more to figure it out ....