Topic: Problem with new version of FSB

Hello -

I just downloaded the new version of FSB and now when I try to run the strategy generator, I get the "critical stop" sound and nothing happens.  I've tried different time frames, currencies, conditions, etc. but nothing helps.  I never had this issue with previous FSB version. 

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Thanks.

Re: Problem with new version of FSB

you may not have enough spaces open for opening and closing logic, I have experienced that problem, hope that helps

Re: Problem with new version of FSB

I try to run the strategy generator, I get the "critical stop" sound and nothing happens.

This happens when the locked / linked slots don't correspond with the allowed number of slotsof each type. Other reason is that all suitable indicators are banned.
Please go to the Generator's Settings panel and reset the settings. Unlock all slots of the strategy. Try the Generator again. If the problem is solved, it means that the reason was too restrictive settings.