Topic: Forced to test every candle
I am not sure if my setup is wrong, but I wish to get in the market on one condition and stay with that condition without adding any positions. The program tests every candle which I don' t want to do. Example: I get in bar closing when 2 exponential moving averages crossover with the close. The market is moving say 30 hours in that direction. The program forces me to trade 30 times, because of every new candle. I would like to get in once only and exit only with my exit strategy. The market did what it did for 30 hours with one trade, not thirty. I can't test 30 candles cause I haven't got that kind of money to trade that. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but anything I try seems to test every candle. I want to test my strategy with the candle getting in against the candle going out. Thanks.