Intentionally looking at the new order form's SL & TP selection boxes, I noticed it being grey with my copy of FXCM MT4 as well, whereas with the Fastbroker MT4 it is available.
Did not notice this before. You were right all along..... Good call! It helps to talk to the right people!
Looking at it from this point, I realised that all my orders are followed with modified SL/TP directly after the order was accepted.
I use a "trade protector" expert that applies my pre-designed SL/TP parameters for any order that appears on the MT terminal.
As additional measure I did attempt to increase SL/TP distances to compensate with the additional digit, but error unchanged. Same on the manual order tab. I must mention that I could modify SL/TP from the FST manual tab on an existing order. I therefore accept that the FTP normalisation is in order with my particular brand of MT4.
I noticed somewhere else in the forum a user suggesting adding Money Management options to your already great software. If you find the time somewhere in the future to have SL/TP applied sequential to creating a new order, I would be sorted.
I am including for your reference, a link to the trade protector I use, courtesy of MQL4 Codebase community, author marcool.
Trade protector