Topic: "Could not determine the number of decimal separator"


I can not load the attached file, there is a message "ould not determine the number of decimal separator".

It seems to me that there are no commas/points in this file. What is wrong?

Thank in advance for your assistance.

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F20WIG1440.csv 123.67 kb, 2 downloads since 2011-07-26 

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Re: "Could not determine the number of decimal separator"

The file is correct, but unfortunately FSB is not able to load it. FSB was primary designed for the forex market where the prices looks like 1.23345 or 102.34. FSB needs a decimal separator (dot in the examples).
The prices in your file are integer numbers: 2682;2731;2678;2729...
We'll add support of such files in the future versions.
For now you can try to convert by using a script in AWK.
See this link:

You can convert your file by using this AWK script:

# AWK script
# Adds decimal points to the prices
    # Input file
    # -----------------
    date    = $1;
    time    = $2;
    popen   = $3;
    phigh   = $4;
    plow    = $5;
    pclose  = $6;
    volume  = $7;

    # Output file
    # ------------------
    print date ";" time ";" popen ".0;" phigh ".0;" plow ".0;" pclose ".0;" volume;

3 (edited by krog 2011-07-26 22:29:06)

Re: "Could not determine the number of decimal separator"

Ah -- Mr Popov beat me to the posting !  smile  no problem, his solution is better than mine.

Re: "Could not determine the number of decimal separator"

Thank U - I'll give it a try.