Topic: Which Forex Software Pack is best for a beginner?
Which Software Pack is best for a beginner? You have four different options.
Start with "Forex Software - Starter Pack"? Or it does not matter.
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Forex Software → Help and Support → Which Forex Software Pack is best for a beginner?
Which Software Pack is best for a beginner? You have four different options.
Start with "Forex Software - Starter Pack"? Or it does not matter.
Hello Finassets,
Welcome to the forum!
> Which Software Pack is best for a beginner?
It is excellent you asked first
As a beginner, you should start with a trial account of EA Studio.
The trial period is 15 days, so you will have time to familiarize yourself with the application's screens and tools.
Try to generate and export as many collections and Expert Advisors as possible.
Test the servers and symbols we provide or learn how to import data from your broker.
You will be able to export plenty of robots to experiment in MetaTrader.
When your trial account expires, continue learning the software. You will still be able to import data and export collections.
When you are familiar with EA Studio and are sure you like it and have fun with the algorithmic trading, you should choose either EA Studio - one year or EA Studio lifetime account.
If you have questions regarding the other products, we are here to help.
Trade Safe!
Forex Software → Help and Support → Which Forex Software Pack is best for a beginner?
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