1 (edited by quantbot 2025-01-19 09:14:32)

Topic: Not reading from the customized setting file

Hi Popov,

I used to have my-setting file customized to my needs, and I use my broker's data to generate strategies and there is a link inside the script to point to that folder, but after the latest update, when I run the workflow, the engine is reading from the original setting file and not my setting file.

It was working before normally.

REM Generate Strategies using Exness data files

node .\bin\gen.js  ^
 --settings mysettings-insample.ini         ^
 --server C:\Users\stali\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\6C3C6A11D1C3791DD4DBF45421BF8028\MQL5\Files\exness\
 --symbol %symbol%                         ^
 --period %period%                         ^
 --max-data-bars 50000                     ^
 --data-start-percent             0                ^
 --data-end-percent                   25                 ^
 --max-working-minutes           60                  ^
 --collection-capacity            100000        ^
 --correlation_threshold           0.98          ^
 --resolve_correlation             true                  ^
 --resolve_similar_rules           true                  ^
 --max-ascended-strategies       100000        ^
 --max-calculated-strategies     0             ^
 --output-replace                 true           ^
 --show-top                1            ^
 --output          ./collections/Premium-in-Sample-%symbol%-%period% 


Re: Not reading from the customized setting file

It looks fine to me.

The generator shows an error message if cannot read the settings file


Please take into account that the manually added options overwrite the ini file settings.