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Forex Software → Historical Forex Data → Download Historical Forex Data

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Topic: Download Historical Forex Data


I've probably missed something here - why is the forexsb 'OHLC' data values so different from those seen in finance Yahoo?

The data in question GMT USDJPY on the 1 Day timeframe.

Forexsb                 2024-10-30 00:00    Open 165.825   High 166.597   Low 165.504 Close166.529
Yahoo finance        2024-10-30 00:00  Open 153.3110 High 153.3280 Low 153.2570 Close 153.2840

Any ideas why?

Please looks at the attachment.


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forexsb - Yahoo finance.png 170.87 kb, 1 downloads since 2024-10-30 

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Re: Download Historical Forex Data

Because you are comparing USDJPY to EURJPY.

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