Topic: Simple Modification for EA Portfolio

Good evening, community! Today, I’m bringing you a simple modification. I removed the news filter that our dear friend Popov had placed in a single Expert Advisor and integrated it into the EA portfolio.

I won’t be providing a step-by-step tutorial on how to do the integration here, but I’m sharing the source code with you. It’s extremely simple; you can make the modifications yourself through copy and paste. Just use a text comparator available on the web or any site out there. I personally like the text comparator called “Beyond Compare,” but it’s paid. If you don’t want to spend any money, just find a free text comparator on the internet.

Then, you can copy and paste the functions directly into your robot. You will generate your Expert Portfolio on the EEstudio site, and after downloading it, simply compare the lines with what is present in this source code here. I believe you will be able to implement it right away.

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