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Forex Software → Express Generator → Date Start Time

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Posts: 5

Topic: Date Start Time

I am having some problems using date settings in my ini file template. I can use data_start_percent = 0
data_end_percent   = 100 and these work, but I would like to specify two dates to work from.

Here is part of my ini setting file content

max_data_bars = 300000
use_data_start = true
data_start = 21 Apr 2023 00:00 UTC
use_data_end = true
data_end = 21 Apr 2024 00:00 UTC
use_trade_start = false
trade_start = 21 Apr 2023 00:00 UTC
auto_save_at_minutes = 240

In the Express Generator the date doesn't change to the date above in my ini files but stays to the setting set by max bars, if I remove max bars it uses the default max bar settings of 20000. I have attached a pic of the generator where you can see the date is incorrect and the default max data bars used.

Am i missing something in the settings as I cannot find out how to make this work?


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Re: Date Start Time

I found the answer in this video, there was an error in my script using in %symbol% and the other placeholder metrics. When I recreated the file, it worked.

Re: Date Start Time

Sujiro forgets dates and works with bar count

Re: Date Start Time

Try using quotation marks.

max_data_bars        = 300000
use_data_start       = true
data_start           = "21 Apr 2023 00:00 UTC"
use_data_end         = true
data_end             = "21 Apr 2024 00:00 UTC"
use_trade_start      = false
trade_start          = "21 Apr 2023 00:00 UTC"
auto_save_at_minutes = 24000
auto_save_at_minutes = 240

Re: Date Start Time

Hi Popov,

Thanks for that, I wanted to make it dynamic so i put this code into my cmd to run for me.

  --symbol %symbol% ^
  --period %period% ^
  --max-working-minutes %minute% ^
  --use_data_start true ^
  --data_start "01 Jan 2023 00:00 UTC" ^
  --use_data_end true ^
  --data_end %date% ^

This seems to work and updates everyday.

Posts: 5

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Forex Software → Express Generator → Date Start Time

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