Popov wrote:Hello Aka,
> when trying to compile an Expert Advisor in Mt4, MetaEditor gives 2 errors
Please send us a note if everything is fine!
Yes, now it's clear, there was an outdated version. The solution turned out to be simple) Thanks everyone
And another question. To be honest, I'm still not familiar with the capabilities of your program, if it's not difficult, direct me to a video or text description, 1. how do I add custom indicators to Expert?
2. If this is not possible, then how is this indicator (there is an open source (TMA with Distances.mq4)) should I translate it into code for implementation in the Expert?
3. If this turns out to be difficult, then maybe there is a similar channel from the built-in indicators (in the application) based on the ATR
Sorry for such a difficult question.
Post's attachmentsTMA with Distances.mq4 12.27 kb, 3 downloads since 2024-01-11
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