Topic: simulating DEMO trading
Hi, my process is currently:
- use 2 years of data to generate strategies
- simulate DEMO trading
- move to LIVE trading.
So I am at "simulate DEMO step". I already have a bunch of strategies. I am trying to simulate DEMO trading for the past week of data.
set symbol=%1
set period=%2
set startd=%3
set endd=%4
set filen=%5
if "%symbol%" == "" EXIT
if "%period%" == "" EXIT
node .\bin\gen.js ^
--server GoMarkets ^
--symbol %symbol% ^
--period %period% ^
--max-data-bars 200000 ^
--use_data_start true ^
--data_start %startd% ^
--use_data_end true ^
--data_end %endd% ^
--entry_lots 0.1 ^
--min_count_of_trades 3 ^
--min_profit 1 ^
--account_currency AUD ^
--initial_account 1000 ^
--leverage 100 ^
--collection-capacity 10 ^
--trade_on_sunday false ^
--input %filen% ^
--output %filen%_demo ^
--output_replace true
start step5a_a_template AUDJPY H1 "22 May 2023 00:00 GMT" "27 May 2023 00:00 GMT" Coll_GoMarkets_Real_1_AUDJPY_H1_2023-05-20
However, as you can see from the output, it is picking up 300 bars of data from 2023-05-10 till 2023-05-27. I only want the past week of data (2023-05-22 till 2023-05-27). I can't see any bugs in my code. Hoping someone can point out my issue?
..:: Express Generator v2.28 ::..
Validating strategies: 200
Market : GoMarkets-Real 1 AUDJPY H1
From : 2023-05-10 12:00, To: 2023-05-27 00:00, Bars: 300
Spread : 10, Swap long: 9.1, Swap short: -11.3, Commission: 6 AUD
Account: 1000 AUD, Leverage: 100, Entry: 0.1 lots
1383 ┤ ╭ Net profit 383.36 AUD
1349 ┤ │ Profit per day 26.59 AUD
1314 ┤ ╭────────╯ Profit factor 383.36
1279 ┤ ╭╯ Max drawdown 96.30 AUD
1244 ┤ │ Max drawdown 7.36 %
1209 ┤ ╭────────╯ Return/drawdown 3.98
1174 ┤ │ Win / loss 1.00
1139 ┤ ╭╯ Max stagnation 5 days
1105 ┤ ╭──────────────╯ Max stagnation 31.79 %
1070 ┤ ╭╯ R - squared 75.72
1035 ┤ │ Max cons losses 0
1000 ┼──╯ Count of trades 4
- Ascended: 105, Calculated: 200 of 200, Time: 00:00 of 03:00, Coll: 10
Validator Ready!
Collection exported: collections\Coll_GoMarkets_Real_1_AUDJPY_H1_2023-05-20_demo.json