Topic: Generator slow


I recently bought the generator.
Unfortunately I'm struggling with the performance of the generator.
It seems that the generator is only using one CPU core which would make it twice as fast as FSB pro with one core.
But when I use FSB pro with all my cores the generator is 10 times slower.

I'm unable to understand how you can enable multi threading in the generator or start it multiple times so that different strategies get created when you don't modify the settings file.

Is there a way to accomplish multi threading with the generator?

Re: Generator slow

Express Generator is excellent for running multiple copies with the same or different settings.

The easiest way to do it is to write your commands in a "cmd" file and run it.

Here is an example of how to run ten copies of the generator on EURUSD M30


start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30

If you want, you can have different settings in each instance like that:

start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M15
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period H1
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol GBPUSD --period M15
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol GBPUSD --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol GBPUSD --period H1
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol USDJPY --period M15
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol USDJPY --period M30
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol USDJPY --period H1

Put the cmd script in the Express Generator folder and run it with a double click.
(You can run it from the terminal if want to debug it)

Please find the file attached.

Post's attachments

gen-eurusd-10x.cmd 540 b, 1 downloads since 2023-06-14 

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Re: Generator slow

You can also make it a little more comfortable by simply doing:

FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,8) DO (
start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30

Simply change the 1,1,8 to how many instances you want it to spawn by just changing the last number. So 1,1,10 if you want 10 instances, 1,1,20 if you want 20 instances, etc...

Re: Generator slow

Thanks a lot, I didn't knew you could start it like this.
It seems to work, but I will do some further testing and try to compare with FSB pro.

Thank you. I also figured that it would be better to put it in a loop.
But instead of batch I did it with python since I'm more familiar with this language.

import os
for i in range(0,10):
  os.system("start node .\bin\gen.js --symbol EURUSD --period M30")

Is node the fastest runtime for this?
As suggested in an older post I tried out the enterprise version of GraalVM and also Bun via Ubuntu by using the Windows subsystem for Linux.
But with both of these I've gotten worse results than with node after 30min when using a single instance.

Re: Generator slow

+1 for the Python!

You can write a complete workflow script.