1 (edited by lisaforex 2023-04-29 14:31:02)

Topic: collection filename to include net profit


I am trying to achieve the following in Express Generator:

- generate strategies for 2 years (max 200 collection)
- run the top 200 strategies for the following month, and pick the top 10 (simulating DEMO testing)
- run the top 10 for the next month (simulating REAL trading)

I've got everything I want working well. My final json file contains the 10 strategies with simulated "real" trading.

I can see the profits for each strategy in the json file uner "profit".

I would like to see a summary of all the profits in the collection in the filename.


output = ./collections/Coll_[SERVER]_[SYMBOL]_[PERIOD]_[YEAR]-[MONTH]-[DAY]_str_[PROFIT].json

I had a quick look though collection.js

    let collectionPath = path
        .replaceAll('[SERVER]', cleanName(dataId.source) )
        .replaceAll('[SYMBOL]', cleanName(dataId.symbol) )
        .replaceAll('[PERIOD]', periodToText(dataId.period) )
        .replaceAll('[YEAR]'  , date.getUTCFullYear().toString() )
        .replaceAll('[MONTH]' , ('0' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString()).slice(-2) )
        .replaceAll('[DAY]'   , ('0' + date.getUTCDate().toString()).slice(-2) )
        .replaceAll('[HOUR]'  , date.getUTCHours().toString() )
        .replaceAll('[MINUTE]', date.getUTCMinutes().toString() )
        .replaceAll('[COUNT]' , count.toString() )
        .replaceAll('[PROFIT]', ???? )

I'm after something that will add profit to the filename, but my JS knowledge isn't that great.

I could code up something in python to extract the data from the json file, but I was hoping there would be an easier way if anyone knows?

Re: collection filename to include net profit

Hello Lisa,

> I would like to see a summary of all the profits in the collection in the filename.

This is a good idea. I'll implement it in the next Express Generator release (later this week).


If you want to hack it yourself, you have to change two files:

1: C:\express-generator\bin\gen.js

Change line 285 with these two lines:

// Old
const collPath = makeCollectionPath(settings.output, dataEndText, dataId, collectionSize, settings.outputReplace)

// New
const profit   = collection.reduce((acc, rec) => acc + rec.stat.profit, 0)
const collPath = makeCollectionPath(settings.output, dataEndText, dataId, collectionSize, profit, settings.outputReplace)

2: C:\express-generator\bin\lib\collection.js

Change the function signature on line 149 as follows:

// Old
function makeCollectionPath(path, timeUpdated, dataId, count, outputReplace)

// New
function makeCollectionPath(path, timeUpdated, dataId, count, profit, outputReplace)

Append the [PROFIT] parameter as follows:

.replaceAll('[PROFIT]', profit.toFixed(0) )

If everything is alright, you can use it exactly as you requested it:

> node bin/gen --symbol EURUSD --period M30 --output [SYMBOL]-[PERIOD]-[COUNT]-[PROFIT]



Re: collection filename to include net profit

woo! I'll wait for the official release instead of hacking away at the code. Thanks!

Re: collection filename to include net profit

Thanks! Looks like the latest release includes this update : https://forexsb.com/forum/post/74929/#p74929!