1 (edited by maaahmoodi 2023-04-03 18:14:28)

Topic: Generated strategy becomes margin call when new data is used


2 months ago ,  I generated a strategy that worked properly with entered data including 2000 data bars.
but now when i try it with current market data (around 200000 data bars ), i mean when i update its data bars to current date ,  it dosent work and it margin call the trade.

and also when i share my strategy with other users (extensions mq4 and xml )  , and they use their own data that it can be deferent number of data bars , again we face the same problem(margin call) .

i will be grateful if i  get answered by dear mr popov .

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Re: Generated strategy becomes margin call when new data is used

Your strategy is garbage if it doesn't work in different market conditions.

Re: Generated strategy becomes margin call when new data is used

Exactly as footon says, as sad as it is. Building a strategy on just 2000 bars isn't going to find anything that works OOS from my experience. My ones are created on 200000+ bars (37 years of data from 1986 to now) and even there the majority fails if not filtering them with robustness tests and OOS. Shortly said: it's normal that your strategy fails, it simply isn't a good strategy.

Re: Generated strategy becomes margin call when new data is used

maaahmoodi wrote:


2 months ago ,  I generated a strategy that worked properly with entered data including 2000 data bars.
but now when i try it with current market data (around 200000 data bars ), i mean when i update its data bars to current date ,  it dosent work and it margin call the trade.

and also when i share my strategy with other users (extensions mq4 and xml )  , and they use their own data that it can be deferent number of data bars , again we face the same problem(margin call) .

i will be grateful if i  get answered by dear mr popov .

I think the reason you are getting a margin call is because your account size is to small for the given lot size.  Since you cannot reduce the lot size, as it is already at lot size equal to 0.01, it seems to me that you may need to increase the account size to avoid the margin call.  Evidently what happened is that the drawdown was much larger going forward in time than the drawdown during the backtest time frame.  This would cause a margin call.  Please note that XAUUSD is the most volatile currency pair their is and as a result most likely the reason for a margin call with such a small account size.  If you have to keep your account size small I would suggest trading a currency pair that has very low volatility such as USDCHF.