1 (edited by crifalo 2023-03-10 17:23:31)

Topic: Pb With custom server

I have problem with custom serveur.
Do you have it before ?
Best regards

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Re: Pb With custom server

Hello Crifalo,

You are missing one dash before "period".
It must be --period instead of -period.

Please use lowercased parameters. Others may not work at all systems.

Re: Pb With custom server

ok sorry I saw smile
another pb

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Re: Pb With custom server

I export from MT5 with the data export from Expert advisor studio

Re: Pb With custom server

ok found it in another topic smile

Re: Pb With custom server

You have to modify the Data Export script in your case.

Please see the instruction here: https://forexsb.com/forum/topic/9351/sy … osition-0/