Topic: Developing a new Programming Language for Addons
Hello Traders,
I spend the last month on prototyping a new programming language for integration in our software.
My goal was:
- the language to be with "Context free grammar"
- to be statically typed
- to be able to compile to WebAssembly online without third party modules.
- to be suitable for writing backtesting algorithms and custom indicators.
Currently the language is Turing Complete (proven by calculating Rule 110):
The language is similar to C so I called it "Cinonim" (it is "synonym" in Bulgarian and starts with "c")
Cinonim source code
// Rule 110
#import-func js setCell = void setCell(int index, int value)
#import-func js printTable = void printTable()
#export-func rule110 = rule110
int table[100];
const int SIZE = 100;
void logTable()
int i;
for (i=0; i<SIZE; i+=1)
setCell(i, table[i]);
void initTable()
int i;
for (i=0; i<SIZE; i+=1)
table[i] = 0;
table[SIZE-1] = 1;
void rule110(const int maxCycles)
int i, cycle;
int pattern, temp;
cycle = 0;
while (cycle < maxCycles) {
temp = table[0];
for (i=1; i<SIZE-1; i+=1) {
pattern = 100*temp + 10*table[i] + table[i+1];
temp = table[i];
if (pattern == 111) table[i] = 0;
if (pattern == 110) table[i] = 1;
if (pattern == 101) table[i] = 1;
if (pattern == 100) table[i] = 0;
if (pattern == 011) table[i] = 1;
if (pattern == 010) table[i] = 1;
if (pattern == 001) table[i] = 1;
if (pattern == 000) table[i] = 0;
cycle += 1;
Exported WebAssembly text format;
(import "js" "setCell" (func $setCell (param i32) (param i32)))
(import "js" "printTable" (func $printTable ))
(export "rule110" (func $rule110))
(global $SIZE i32 (i32.const 100))
(memory 1)
(func $logTable
(local $i i32)
(local.set $i (i32.const 0))
(block (loop
(br_if 1 (i32.eqz (local.get $i) (global.get $SIZE) (i32.lt_s)))
(local.get $i)
(i32.load (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))))
(call $setCell)
(local.set $i (local.get $i) (i32.const 1) (i32.add))
(br 0)
(call $printTable)
(func $initTable
(local $i i32)
(local.set $i (i32.const 0))
(block (loop
(br_if 1 (i32.eqz (local.get $i) (global.get $SIZE) (i32.lt_s)))
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 0))
(local.set $i (local.get $i) (i32.const 1) (i32.add))
(br 0)
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (global.get $SIZE) (i32.const 1) (i32.sub) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(func $rule110 (param $maxCycles i32)
(local $i i32)
(local $cycle i32)
(local $pattern i32)
(local $temp i32)
(call $initTable)
(call $logTable)
(local.set $cycle (i32.const 0))
(block (loop
(br_if 1 (i32.eqz (local.get $cycle) (local.get $maxCycles) (i32.lt_s)))
(local.set $temp (i32.load (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (i32.const 0) (i32.const 2)))))
(local.set $i (i32.const 1))
(block (loop
(br_if 1 (i32.eqz (local.get $i) (global.get $SIZE) (i32.const 1) (i32.sub) (i32.lt_s)))
(local.set $pattern (i32.const 100) (local.get $temp) (i32.mul) (i32.const 10) (i32.load (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2)))) (i32.mul) (i32.add) (i32.load (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 1) (i32.add) (i32.const 2)))) (i32.add))
(local.set $temp (i32.load (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2)))))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 111) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 0))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 110) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 101) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 100) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 0))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 11) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 10) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 1) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 1))
(local.get $pattern) (i32.const 0) (i32.eq)
(if (then
( (i32.add (i32.const 0) (i32.shl (local.get $i) (i32.const 2))) (i32.const 0))
(local.set $i (local.get $i) (i32.const 1) (i32.add))
(br 0)
(call $logTable)
(local.set $cycle (local.get $cycle) (i32.const 1) (i32.add))
(br 0)
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