1 (edited by timelleston 2022-10-22 04:53:12)

Topic: What the "spread" setting actually does?

Hi all - can someone confirm what the "spread" setting actually does behind the scenes for me please?
I think Sleytus said it won't accept a signal if the spread is higher than the parameter value? 

I assume that results in not opening a new position, as well as not closing an existing position (from a signal standpoint, but not SL or TP)?

Does that eliminate the need for custom spread protection code in my EA?

Just wanted to confirm those assumptions as I noticed with spread=40 on CADJPY in the latest exp. gen, it ascends less than a third of strategies than when spread is not enabled (just in the broker file).   When I set spread=10, it pretty much has the same as no spread, but when I set it to 1000 it generates no strategies...so I’m not sure what it’s actually doing …


Re: What the "spread" setting actually does?

The "spread" is uses in the profit calculation. It reduces the profit. Spread is measured in points.

The profit formula is:

longProfit  = entryAmount * (closePrice - openPrice - spread) * exchangeRate - commission
shortProfit = entryAmount * (openPrice - closePrice - spread) * exchangeRate - commission

When the spread is higher, it is more difficult to find profitable strategies.

> Does that eliminate the need for custom spread protection code in my EA?

Express Generator as well as FSB Pro and EA Studio use fixed spread.

Your "spread protection code in my EA" works only in the EA because it uses the actual dynamic market spread.

Re: What the "spread" setting actually does?

Ah right excellent thanks - that makes perfect sense now.