Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

HTF Indicators Set Ver 4.0.0 - Essential Indicators

Attached are the most important indicators for HTF indicators set:

- HTF Bar Opening Indicators
- HTF Bar Closing Indicators

These two indicators must be used in pairs with others HTF indicators, because it will filter out the entry/exit signal in the opening and closing of HTF bars. Otherwise the wrong entry or exit signal might be generated if not using this indicator.

Best Regards
Denny Imanuel

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HTF Indicator - Essential Ver 3.94 kb, 204 downloads since 2010-04-03 

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Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

HTF Indicator Set Ver V4.0.0 - Custom Indicators

Hi All,

Attached are the custom HTF indicators which contains about 27 HTF indicators. I include the current time frame version as well for your reference. These indicators some are posted in this forum before. But there are also quite number of fresh new indicators:
- Cyber Cycle
- Butterworth Filter
- Sinewave Indicator
- Center of Gravity
- Hilbert Channel


Denny Imanuel

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HTF Indicator - Custom Ver 154.1 kb, 213 downloads since 2010-04-03 

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28 (edited by dmm301 2010-04-03 14:14:01)

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi Denny,

So we should use the same timeframe HTF bar opening as the other HTF signal in our strategy?

Also, for anyone that is using HTF, make sure to use previous bar values.  The FSB backtest still likes to place trades prematurely.  For instance if using 4hr HTF with 1hr data, the backtest will use the 4hr HLOC data, plot the indicator values and if it should go long or short, place the trade at the beginning 1hr closing bar of the 4hr data.  This will happen even with intrabar scanner so watch out. 

I'm hoping Popov reads this post as I think this is the biggest drawback of FSB.  This could be the reason backtests and optimization are so quick compared to MT4.


Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Yes we should use Bar Opening (HTF v4) and Bar Closing (HTF v4) along with the other HTF indicators. Make sure that the timeframe of these bar opening and closing is set same with the other HTF indicators. If you happen to use 2 different time frame with two different HTF indicators then set the time frame for these bar opening and closing to the highest one. For example you use 15 min HTF and 30 min HTF on 5 min data, then select the 30 min HTF on the Bar Closing (HTF v4), so the trading signal will be generated only at the end of this 30 min. If you are still using the Bar Closing (non HTF version), then the trading signal will be generated anywhere within the closing of 5 min bar.

This is the general rule thumb:
- If you use bar opening, then you must make sure to use previous bar value (prev bar is checked); because the trade is placed at the opening of new bar, so previous bar data is used.
- If you use bar closing, you can use current bar value (prev bar is unchecked), because the trade is only placed when the bar is closing.

The major issue that we have now on FSB: There is limitation on the exit panel to use the Bar Closing indicator only. Bar Closing (HTF v4) is not recognized yet as essential indicator in FSB. So I do hope Popov can remove this limitation.


dmm301 wrote:

Hi Denny,

So we should use the same timeframe HTF bar opening as the other HTF signal in our strategy?

Also, for anyone that is using HTF, make sure to use previous bar values.  The FSB backtest still likes to place trades prematurely.  For instance if using 4hr HTF with 1hr data, the backtest will use the 4hr HLOC data, plot the indicator values and if it should go long or short, place the trade at the beginning 1hr closing bar of the 4hr data.  This will happen even with intrabar scanner so watch out. 

I'm hoping Popov reads this post as I think this is the biggest drawback of FSB.  This could be the reason backtests and optimization are so quick compared to MT4.


Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi Popov,

We requested that this Bar Closing limitation is removed in FSB so we can use Bar Closing (HTF v4) to add any condition logic on it.

Best Regards

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

HTF Indicator - Essential Indicator Ver 4.0.1

There is a bug fix on these essential indicator:
- Eliminating the back testing error when changing the time frame anytime.

Post's attachments

HTF Indicator - Essential Ver 3.96 kb, 239 downloads since 2010-04-04 

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Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set


Thank you for  your work.

I see 2 error in the indicators.

is possible add this indicators from MQL4 to FSB?
Thank you very much.

regard's, Jaime Guerra

Post's attachments

MA_Trend_v2.mq4 2.33 kb, 35 downloads since 2010-04-05 

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Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

HTF Indicator - Custom Indicator Ver 4.0.1

New features:
- Fix the bug on on HTF Hilbert Indicator, Sinewave Indicator,  HTF Sinewave, HTF R-Squared.

Hi Jaimegue,

Thanks for the feedback. Actually I shouldn't include Sinewave because I haven't finished coding it. But now I've done it anyway. So I uploaded the update. For the MQL file I'll take a look and study it first.

Best Regards
Denny I.

Post's attachments

HTF Indicator - Custom Ver 159.12 kb, 401 downloads since 2010-04-06 

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Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hello Denny:

I'm experimenting with HTF indicators and some work well with the FSB, but not with the FST.
Are you tested with the FST?
HTF indicators that not work with the FST:
Steady Bands.
MACD Histogram.
MA Oscillator.

I keep trying, and if I find someone else who does not work, I indicate to you.

Regards, Jaime.

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi Jaime,

Thanks for the testing. However I hv no idea until now why this error is happening. It's an overflow error which happen only on FST during the plotting. It's working well on FSB. I got headache with this error. Hope Popov can help to find out why?

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set


Yes, unfortunately in this form most of these indicators useless. Because not FSB nor FST works with them. If someone could make  little effort to change that would greatly improve the usability of the software.
I hope I can use my profit for some donations.

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi Denny:

Popov send new beta release of FSB.
Please could you explain the problem? is that I do not
speak English and do not transmit well in that ideas
Thank you.

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Dear zuijaideai

Many Thanx for your efforts to build HTF indicators but i noticed that these indicatores are too heavy for FSB to run with generator ( what i mean that generator stop running after a while if i have HTF indicators inside custom indicator folder ) Am i the only one who face such situation ? 


Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Wow, HTF is Great!!!
Thank you so much!  smile

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi ,

This is great work..!!

I'm looking for a indicator / stratergy which looks at current open positions for profit / loss and compare them with previous values, and decide when to close the position based on profit is going up / down and with some dynamic limits.

Is there anything like tat??

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

We requested that this Bar Closing limitation is removed in FSB so we can use Bar Closing (HTF v4) to add any condition logic on it.

It is done. It'll be published in the newest version soon.

42 (edited by NicholasK 2010-08-10 05:18:31)

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Repot about error on FST

Linear Regression Slope (HTF v4) (I set it for HTF-reference 15min, Simple, Typical, 41, 8) will not appear on FST if I use on the chart of 5min & 1min of Alpari (5digit broker with changing spread), and we cannot use the data value as well. If it is from 15min chart and above, it is available.

I checked on FXDD's demo account, too & found that the same error occurs time to time for LR-Slope.

I use Bar Opening (HTF v4) with reference of 15min. Other HTF indicators' values are OK.

Please look into this matter.
Thank you

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Report Again about Linear Regression Slope (HTF v4)

I found that if you set Smoothing Period more than 40, or if you set Regression Length more than 6, then error will occur on FST & it cannot be used.
Until 40, 6, then no problem.
It is not the problem of broker data.

Maybe there is some kind of mis-matching between the indicator & FST. (On FSB, there's no problem)

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

It is possible the reason for that problem to be the lower number of data bars in FST. You can try increasing the setting "Minimum number of data bars" in FST, but check first how many are the bars in the current MT chart.

As I wrote in the FSB 2.53.3 Beta thread, I'm experimenting with a real time debbuger for the custom indicators. For now, at least three HTF indicators showed bugs. With that new approach, the Generator dysplais an error message and after confirmation puts the indicator in a black list and continues the generation process. This will help for faster bug discovering.

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Thank you very much!

I increased the minimum number of data bars to 700, then problem settled  smile
We need to be careful to use indicators & need to check whether data is correct or not.

Wow, it'll be a great function for FSB. It'll be faster to find out bugs.
I can't wait for new version of FSB & FST!  big_smile

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi All,

I have had some issues using HTF MA crossover in FST while trying to do a foreward test on a demo account. When I add the indicator to a strategy and pull up the chart, the HTF crossover logic does not appear, even though it is listed in the "Strategies" section.

I decided to give it a shot and let it run anyways to see what happened, and FST acted as if the HTF crossover indicator logic didn't exist in the strategy and placed trades in the wrong direction. Through this I decided that it wasn't just an issue with it showing up on the chart yikes)

Are these indicators supposed to be functional in FST, or only FSB?
If so, maybe I am doing something wrong? I loaded it like any other custom indicator...

Any help would be great!


Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

Hi Footon,

Remember earlier this week when I asked  in the FST requested features thread for a moving average crossover indicator that could have a period longer than 200 bars? You edited the standard indicator and changed the max bars from 200 to 900.

When I loaded the indicator you made and entered it in my strategy, everything seemed fine. When I then looked at the chart however, I noticed that it did not show up as an entry criteria, and was not being utilized by FST.

The exact same thing seems to be happening with the HTF moving average crossover indicator.

Hope this helps,

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

There may be some 200 bar limit hardwired into the FST application that prevents the HTF crossover indicator from working. Just a thought...


Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set

200 bars is the limit for the integrated indicators. However, this limit is set in the indicator's file. So, each indicator can have its own limits.

IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "Slow MA period";
IndParam.NumParam[0].Value   = 26;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Min     = 1;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Max     = 200;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true;
IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "The period of Slow MA.";

In that example IndParam.NumParam[0].Max = 200; is the upper limit for the MA period. Min limit is 1 and the default value is 26.

If you make a custom indicator, you can set whatever limit you want. But you have to consider two side effects:
- The first real value of an indicator depends on the period, shift... If you use a Simple MA with period of 51, the first value of that MA will be at the 51st bar. So no signals will be raised before that bar. If you make MA with period of 900, the first signal will be at bar 900 (or 901).
- If you have longer period than the bars loaded, the software may crash. It depends on the indicator code. The min allowed data bars for FSB are 300 and the default min bars for FST are 400. That's why I limited the period of standard indicators to 200.

If you extend that limit, you have to be sure that you always use enough bars. In FSB the bars depend on the data file and "Data Horizon" settings. In FST the bars depend on the chart time frame and the limit in "Trade Settings".

Re: New Indicators: Higher Time Frame Indicators Set


Can you see any reason for a custom indicator not to show up on the chart if the parameters are set above 200? (see situation in my previous post)
