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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Posts: 5

Topic: Missing Icons


I seem to be missing icons at the top of the page, I can only EA with EUR/USD, see attachment

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program

Please can you help me. cheers Graeme

Re: Missing Icons

Please attach the screenshot again.

Re: Missing Icons

Try to delete the FSB Pro folder `C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro` before re-installing the program.

It may have something wrong with the configurations or custom indicators.

When you install the program over the previous installation, FSB Pro tries to save your custom indicators, settings, data,  and strategies. If there is something wrong with any of them, the problem will remain.

Re: Missing Icons


Still can not see all the icons, see attached

I have removed all FSB files and have uninstalled the program. Tried another browser and rebooted my computer.

Can someone please help me


Re: Missing Icons

Browser? What are you using - FSB Pro or Studio? And please attach some kind of explaining visualization of your problem!

Posts: 5

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