Topic: Logical Rules
I have noticed that the EA Studio generator uses any possible combination of indicators which match the acceptance criteria, irrespective whether these are associated with long or short positions. Although this is viable in order to meet any acceptance criteria, and provide a nice historical yield curve, for generation of long term trading strategies, I don't see how this would work in practise. What I mean by this is that I see many entry strategies generated where e.g.
CCI crosses downwards
Fast MA crosses downwards
Fast MA crosses upwards & downwards (on different timeframes)
Likewise for exits :
Alligator Lip rises
Stochastic goes above the level line
Williams goes up
Is it possible to add an option where long strategies only use traditional long indicators, ie cross up and never cross down, with the same for exits, ie cross down. And perhaps to ignore duplicate indicators, for example - my entry strategy says Fast MA 20 cross above 30 & Fast MA 15 above 21 - it would be better to just have one MA indicator and let the system find an alternative.
Current behaviour that if I want my trading strategy to exit on a moving average, it is conceivable that the MA might go up for a bar before it goes down, but this is not going to really be a reliable strategy moving forwards. I seem to spend alot of time deleting strategies, even though they match the acceptance criteria, because they are not really intuitive.