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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Preset Indicators not working?

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Posts: 4

Topic: Preset Indicators not working?


i use indicator do not exit allowed as entry rule and preset indicator. In Reactor i also marked the use Preset Indicators.

But when i look thorugh my Collection it doesnt work. I get Eas with different Exit rules why?

2 (edited by hannahis 2020-02-23 15:26:54)

Re: Preset Indicators not working?

Roughey wrote:


i use indicator do not exit allowed as entry rule and preset indicator. In Reactor i also marked the use Preset Indicators.

But when i look thorugh my Collection it doesnt work. I get Eas with different Exit rules why?

Hi I'm not sure whether this is the correct answer....

There are max 2 exit rules allowed.  Even if you use "Do not exit" as one of the 2 Exit rules, the generator will still search for the 2nd Exit rule.

To solve your problem...

Go to the Tool Tab and under "Available Indicators", make sure you only have "Do not Exit" as your only Exit Indicator so even if the Generator were to add the 2nd exit rule, the only indicator available will be "Do not Exit".

3 (edited by Roughey 2020-02-27 18:31:37)

Re: Preset Indicators not working?

ok so everytime when i want only one indicator as exit. i have to switch all others off?

but i have had also this.

do not exit as preset. so i think that this indi will be everytime on all strategies. but i have had also some where the indicator was deleted and others. so something isnt working well.. or any optimizer do something and dismiss out the preset indicator.

4 (edited by hannahis 2020-03-01 08:36:42)

Re: Preset Indicators not working?

Yes, switch off all other indicators and leave those you want (isn't this the purpose of indicator selection for?)

I've tested it out on my side and it works.

I've deleted all other indicators and only have "Do Not Exit" as my only indicator.

I make sure my Preset doesn't have any other exit indicator that is not "Do not Exit" cos if your preset has other exit indicator, it will use that exit indicator.

There are max 4 entry rules and 2 exit rules.  If your Preset Indicator already has the Max entry and exit rules,  the Generator/optimizer will remove the last rules (entry and exit rules) and replaced it with a new search (otherwise what's the point of generating/searching for new ones if your preset occupied all the available rules).

Posts: 4

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