1 (edited by Popov 2020-01-31 16:54:05)

Topic: EA Studio experts do not show details as the FSB Pro ones

Hi Please could you advise i generated a strategy using EA studio and launched it on a demo but its not like a launched EA from fsb as all it displays is the pair details with a smilely face but has no account details or strategy details that is usually displayed when i use fsb pro

Please advise

Re: EA Studio experts do not show details as the FSB Pro ones

Your observations are correct.

The experts from FSB Pro use integrated own indicators. They show the signals on the chart because you cannot use the standard MT indicators for that. They shew also the account and the deal information as an additional feature.

The EA Studio experts use mostly standard MT indicators. It means that you can attach also the corresponding MT indicators on the chart and to monitor their behaviour.

We specially created EA Studio to export faster and more cleanly coded Expert Advisor. They are very fast for MT testing and easy for modification.