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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Different results

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Posts: 6

1 (edited by netojose 2019-08-18 02:40:58)

Topic: Different results


I get a collection of strategies. I pick the first one to get the details but they are very different from the collection list. See the print

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Re: Different results


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Re: Different results

Jose, you make $2000 out of $100 on M1 chart!!!

Please promise us that you will not touch Algo trading for at least one year. It is for people that aims $100 out of $2000 on H1 chart.

Re: Different results

Sorry, I am not following. Thanks anyways

Re: Different results

There is no enough info on the screenshots to say why the backtests are different. It can be anything - from different data to different strategy.

On the other hand, we see that the starting balance of the account is about $100 and it makes more than $2000 profit on M1 chart. We can draw three conclusions from this fact:

  * EA Studio is very good in Data Mining
  * The Entry lots setting doesn't correspond to the Account size.
  * You probably doesn't understand the risks involved in the Algo-trading.

Re: Different results

Ok, thanks! Yes, I am not used to forex terminology since I only trade crypto.

Posts: 6

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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Studio → Different results

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