Topic: Is possible that EA studio is using indicators that my broker has not?
hi Popov and everyone.
I am generating some portoflios and i am able to generate them only in USDJPY. I test them in EA studio and then on MT4 tester.I saw the results are the same so i usually start with real trading and so far i generate a ton of profit.
Now come the problems. With all the other crosses, every strategy is not good. They are really bad! To be precise on EA studio they looks good but on MT4 tester and on real account they lose money.
So today i downloaded (for the first time) Petko’s EAs for EURUSD i put them on EA studio with my broker’s data (obviously) and they were all losing. Then i place them on MT4 Tester and they were all in profit.
So my question is: is possibile that EA studio is using some indicators that my broker hasn’t or has different? And again is Mt4 tester more reialable than EA studio.
Thank you