Topic: Backtest results

Hi All,
I have imported historical data as per below link, when backtesting EA's created by Forex Builder Professional i am not getting satisfactory results and most EA's do not even trigger any trades !

I am also using tick data suite for more precise backtesting but do not get good backtesting results..


Kind Regards

Re: Backtest results

Hello David,

Please set a simple strategy manually or load some of the demo strategies in order to test your settings.

There are many reasons for the problem. Here are the most frequent ones:
- too high entry lots for the account
- too restricted Acceptance Criteria
- low number of data bars and inability to find strategies with enough deals
- restrictive preset of protections, adding rules or indicators.

Please post a screenshot of the program, if you still cannot manage to generate strategies.

Re: Backtest results

Hi Popov,
please see attached screenshots, back tests using Dukascopy data stil not showing same results. I apologies for late reply but have been busy


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Re: Backtest results

Hi Popov,
Can you help with above ? i am happy to pay for you to setup via Teamviewer.

Kind Regards
David McDonald

Re: Backtest results

David -- in the future please upload the images rather than a *.doc file that contains pictures.  In the *.doc file the pictures are too small to actually read, so I had to save each as as individual image before I could view them.  The pictures you've uploaded show nothing -- other than you are not really clear about what you are doing.

I don't understand the point of the pictures you included in the *.doc file.  Not only does it show an empty strategy, there are over 3000 ambiguous bars in your data source.  What did you expect to see?

Before you can run, you have to first learn to walk.  Become familiar with the program using the "FSB Demo data" that is inherently supported.  There are also pre-built strategies you can download from the Repository or copy from other threads in this forum.  And once you've learned how to generate, optimize and back test strategies using FSB Demo data, then move on to the next stage -- though using tick data is a total waste of time.  Instead, you should be using your broker's REAL data.

It is not fair to ask Popov to take time away from his other responsibilities to personally show you how to do something thousands of others have figured out.  Trading forex is challenging and difficult.  If you don't have the inclination to figure out how to use a tool that is designed to help you, then how can you hope to succeed at something that is even more difficult?

Re: Backtest results

Hi David,

Please lock the bar opening and bar closing first so you can backtest on open price style, that'll will the comparison prosess easier

Then, please try to use less indicators and also less entry/exit slot, I'd recommed the simple and popular MT4 native indicators such as bollinger band or moving average.

Also please stick on H1 for testing purpose, because if you use larger TF, GMT and DST difference could lead into different result.

Based on my past experience different result between MT4 and FSB Pro is usually caused by indicators and GMT or DST difference.

Best regards

7 (edited by david.mcdonald.eeha 2018-11-04 13:00:28)

Re: Backtest results

Dear Yonkuro,
I do not have 3010 ambiguos bars in my data source, the screen shot you are refering too is prior to generating the EA, this is my broker's REAL data.
I dont see the point using FSB Demo data as back testing in MT4 to check the EA wont show solid results.

I use Tick Data in MT4 to check the FSB EA prior to launch, as for your comment not fair to ask.. i understand Popov would be inundated with comments but this is what the forum is for right ?

I was using H1 timeframe in my EAs, you suggested that this may be caused by indicator's can you please elaborate as i assume this may be the issue as no trades were executed during backtesting in MT4.

I will use a demo stratergy to test my settings as suggested.

Kind Regards,

Re: Backtest results

david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:

I don't see the point using FSB Demo data as back testing in MT4 to check the EA wont show solid results

You need data to back test.  The screen shot you provided indicated either your data was bad or not properly loaded.  Your screen shot clearly reported over 3000 ambiguous bars.  You need data before you can generate an EA -- the generation process requires data in order to determine if the current combination of indicators makes sense.

The point of using FSB Demo data is to learn how to generate and back test strategies.  Right now you are nowhere.  If you insist and persist with your current data source -- nothing will ever work.  So -- a reasonable approach might be to back up and get something, anything to work.  And then you can gradually move forward.

david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:

...but this is what the forum is for right?

You were suggesting that Popov set up Team Viewer, remote into your PC and have a personal chat about how to use the application.  That is not the purpose of a forum.  As a general rule -- if you find yourself wrestling with an application then that should be a red flag that perhaps you are going down the wrong path.  So -- stop, survey the landscape, backup and try something different.

The forum should be trading-related -- not how to figure-out how to use the software.  There is tons of documentation and videos available on how to use every aspect of EA Studio and FSB -- avail yourself of those resources.  Also, there are excellent (and inexpensive) Udemy courses available -- here's a link:

Re: Backtest results

Re: Backtest results
david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:
I don't see the point using FSB Demo data as back testing in MT4 to check the EA wont show solid results

You need data to back test.  The screen shot you provided indicated either your data was bad or not properly loaded.  Your screen shot clearly reported over 3000 ambiguous bars.  You need data before you can generate an EA -- the generation process requires data in order to determine if the current combination of indicators makes sense.

Yes i agree my screenshots were not good, attached screenshot showing data is good.

The forum should be trading-related -- not how to figure-out how to use the software.  There is tons of documentation and videos available on how to use every aspect of EA Studio and FSB -- avail yourself of those resources.  Also, there are excellent (and inexpensive) Udemy courses available -- here's a link:

I will use the documentation to figure out the software

Additionally the Forum should not be used for spruking / profit

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Re: Backtest results

Ok i have found my error, simply MT4 does not have the indicators required so i have to load them to MT4, Issue is now i can not find CCI Convergance Divergance in MT4 libary.

Re: Backtest results

david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:

...MT4 does not have the indicators required...

Glad to hear you found the problem...

Why are you searching for missing MT4 indicators?  If you really want to compare FSB back testing against MT4 back testing, then simply compile the *.mq4 file generated by FSB.  It is completely self-contained and includes all the indicator code.

Are you trying to reconstruct a strategy in MT4 using MT4 indicators?  I don't understand...

Re: Backtest results

david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:
...MT4 does not have the indicators required...

Glad to hear you found the problem...

Why are you searching for missing MT4 indicators?  If you really want to compare FSB back testing against MT4 back testing, then simply compile the *.mq4 file generated by FSB.  It is completely self-contained and includes all the indicator code.

Are you trying to reconstruct a strategy in MT4 using MT4 indicators?  I don't understand...

I want to confirm FSB EA with Dukascopy tick data

13 (edited by sleytus 2018-11-06 01:26:27)

Re: Backtest results

david.mcdonald.eeha wrote:

I want to confirm FSB EA with Dukascopy tick data

Okay...  So why are you looking for a CCI Convergence Divergence indicator in the MT4 library?

Is your intent to test this EA using FSB's back tester or MT4's back tester?  In either case, you don't need any external indicators.  The EA generated by FSB is completely self-contained.  If you grab indicators from other sources then you are no longer testing the EA but, rather, indicators.

Just to be clear -- FSB's strategies use XML files, whereas MT4 uses *.mq4 files (later compiled to *.ex4).