Hi Steve,
Ok I'll give that a try cos since you have tested the Side Kick out yourself, you would have probably use different criteria and deem 2 consecutive win as the best options, so I can take advantage of your experience.
I think you have a very ingenious workflow and Side Kick is tailor made to suit your kind of workflow.
If I'm a data mining FSB user, I probably will revamp my workflow to take advantage of Side Kick's features.
There are mainly 4 market conditions, in my own limited observations
1) Side Way Trending, Low volatility (min price fluctuations)
2) Side Way Trending, High volatility (huge price fluctuations and price spikes)
3) Trending (steady price changes in either upward or downward trend)
4) Breakout (huge price Trending)
So If I were a data mining users, I would scan through the historical data to identify these 4 different market conditions and "select the date duration for the data and create as many such blocks of data for each of these 4 groups.
After I've identified and selected 10 different time periods for each of these 4 groups. I'll save them under different symbols to be use as multi markets (under different symbols but there are actually belonging to same symbols such as EURUSD) so that I can train my EA via Generator/optimizer for each of these 10 data blocks and then run these EA in these 10 similar market conditions by running the Multi Market analysis features in FSB to see what's the overall results.
Eventually, I will have 4 groups of EA each to tackle the 4 main market conditions I've observed.
And then Side Kick will be the one to determine which group of EA are now in sync with the current market conditions.
I would probably use also 4 different MT4 terminals/Side Kicks for each different groups cos the "window" of opportunity for each of the group is very different and hence, need different criteria settings.
For example, for side way trending EA, the win/loss ratio tend to be low (with multiple loses and wins) and hence I need a different criteria as compared to Trending EA, whereby the Win/loss ratio will be high when it's in sync with the market.
In Conclusion...
Most people tend to use very long historical data to "train" their EA, in order for the EA to survive overall in different market conditions and stay robust.
However, now with Side Kick, I personally think that if I'm approaching it from a data miner perspective, I would rather use many different small blocks of similar market instead of using a long period that is filled with so many different market conditions that my EA ended up as "Jack of all trades/markets but master of none".
Nevertheless, kindly don't take my advice too seriously cos I'm not a data miner and as most users here would know by now, I'm approach FSB via a trader's perspective by input my own trading rules/conditions. However, one day when I've wrap up my projects, I may venture into data mining approach with an added advantage as a trader.
How about you Steve, would you care to share with us how you would have done your workflow in order to maximise the use of Side Kick to it's fullest potential?