1 (edited by hannahis 2018-03-27 16:30:43)

Topic: Increase Generator Success Rate

Popov, I'm thinking of a way to "speed" up FSB Pro/EA Studio Generator's time to search for profitable EA and also thereby improve the results i.e, with better EA quality

I noticed that the Generator sometime (in fact often) generate EA that has "wrong" rules such as for Long position, it has rules such as change direction down, falling, cross downward, all these are "wrong" because there rules are going against the trend for a Buy/Long position and they don't stay profitable in long run.

So I'm suggesting that you cut down these options in the process of generating.  In the indicators rules there are Rising, Falling, higher than the line, lower than the line, cross the line upward, cross the line downward, etc

1.  Use only Buying/Long Rules for Opening Conditions.

If you look at all these options, half of these options are for Buy/Long positions and the other half is for Selling/Short positions.  So in your generator, if you were to delete half of the "wrong" options available (for Opening positions), you would cut down the number of possible search by half (which by the way, these options would have produce unreliable results).

2. Use Buying/Long Trend Parameters for Opening Conditions.

Second method is to impose a certain "rule" in the choice of parameters.  In another words the faster parameters must be smaller than the slower parameters for Buy/long positions (I know that in some cases, rarely, this rule may not apply but these case are minority). 

So your Generator will have 2 "Filters" rules to provide some "guidance" or "structure" on how the Generator search for EA.  1st filter is use only Buying Rules for Open positons (such as Rising, Higher than, Direction change upward, cross over etc) and 2nd filter is to use only Buying Parameters (such as faster parameter must be smaller than Slower parameters, these apply only to indicators that uses only 1 type of measurement such as MA, but not "cross indicators or dual indicators, that uses 2 different measurements such as RSI MA Osci which uses MA and RSI and  ROC MA Osci which uses Rate of Change and MA etc).  If anyone of you have any other particular indicators that you don't want this 2nd rule to apply to the Generator, do post your commends here.

I believe that if you apply such Basic Trading Rules to the Generator, it will at least be producing "theoretically" sound EA that has better reliability and predictability value and hence give your users higher success rate.  And you would have cut down the time needed to generate EA because you reduce the number of iteration/probabilities by half or more.

Lastly, one of the reasons why I don't use Generator in both FSB Pro or EA Studio is, I often get "theoretically unsound" EA being churned out by Generator and after looking at the EA's rule structure, I discard them and don't run use the Generator at all. 

I prefer to use the Optimiser instead because I will input some "Basic Structure" in my opening/closing conditions and then let the Optimiser "fine tune" the EA and recently I've been getting fantastic results.  These "Basic Structure" is part of my workflow (which of cos contain more than these 2 basic rules) whereby there are some "Basic Trading rules" that are necessary for a EA to be profitable.  And of cos part of basic rules (are common sense) is to use the 2 methods I've suggested in the post (which any novice traders would take this knowledge for granted) and ironically, Generator is not using these basic rule in it's algorithm to search for reliable and repeatable patterns that are necessary for EA to stay profitable and robust.

Kindly consider these suggestions so that FSB users can enjoy greater success...especially for those taking the data mining path.  It cuts down the time needed to generate EA and improve the search quality.

PS: For those who don't want to wait till these rules are implemented into the Generator's algorithm, you can use the Optimiser like the Generator.  The only difference is to input your own trading rules (if you don't know any trading rules to use, go to the website http://forex-strategies-revealed.com and read up some of the strategies and input them yourself in FSB.  And then let the Optimiser fine tune for you.  If you aren't sure of the parameters to use, use Optimiser +/- !0% or more but if you are more or less sure of the rules, optimise only 5%

2 (edited by ViniQ 2018-03-27 17:35:42)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

hannahis wrote:

Popov, I'm thinking of a way to "speed" up FSB Pro/EA Studio Generator's time to search for profitable EA and also thereby improve the results i.e, with better EA quality

I noticed that the Generator sometime (in fact often) generate EA that has "wrong" rules such as for Long position, it has rules such as change direction down, falling, cross downward, all these are "wrong" because there rules are going against the trend for a Buy/Long position and they don't stay profitable in long run. So I'm suggesting that you cut down these options in the process of generating.  In the indicators rules there are Rising, Falling, higher than the line, lower than the line, cross the line upward, cross the line downward, etc

Hello hannahis. I believe equity curve and acceptance does a good job and this is the key to filter if a system has a chance.

Of course you can cut off when you see a strategy that YOU don't believe eg. "Alligator 160 periods, -132 shift ".
Just to cover, you have the possibility to edit the standard indicators formula and select the range of "min max" of indicators.

Look at the market I'm trading right now


Say good bye to "follow the trend" and "follow trend rules" type of systems.

hannahis wrote:

1.  Use only Buying/Long Rules for Opening Conditions.

If you look at all these options, half of these options are for Buy/Long positions and the other half is for Selling/Short positions.  So in your generator, if you were to delete half of the "wrong" options available (for Opening positions), you would cut down the number of possible search by half (which by the way, these options would have produce unreliable results).

So your Generator will have 2 "Filters" rules to provide some "guidance" or "structure" on how the Generator search for EA.  1st filter is use only Buying Rules for Open positons (such as Rising, Higher than, Direction change upward, cross over etc) and 2nd filter is to use only Buying Parameters (such as faster parameter must be smaller than Slower parameters, these apply only to indicators that uses only 1 type of measurement such as MA, but not "cross indicators or dual indicators, that uses 2 different measurements such as RSI MA Osci which uses MA and RSI and  ROC MA Osci which uses Rate of Change and MA etc).  If anyone of you have any other particular indicators that you don't want this 2nd rule to apply to the Generator, do post your commends here.

I believe that if you apply such Basic Trading Rules to the Generator, it will at least be producing "theoretically" sound EA that has better reliability and predictability value and hence give your users higher success rate.  And you would have cut down the time needed to generate EA because you reduce the number of iteration/probabilities by half or more.

We already have it in FSB

There is in FSB Pro an indicator called "Long or Short" and you can Lock indicators in the generator.


In this screen I show how to find only LONG strategies and the trade will happen only if the price is above MA(Close, 200) categorizing a trade following type of system.

hannahis wrote:

2. Use Buying/Long Trend Parameters for Opening Conditions.

Second method is to impose a certain "rule" in the choice of parameters.  In another words the faster parameters must be smaller than the slower parameters for Buy/long positions (I know that in some cases, rarely, this rule may not apply but these case are minority).

"In another words maybe faster parameters must be smaller"

It's an idea consider only trending type of system and exclude mean reversion type of systems from this list, but I don't consider it good idea.

Some rules it will not matter at all, eg. CrossUP( MA(Close, 15), MA(Close, 30) ) is the same that CrossDown(MA(close, 30), MA(Close, 15) right?

Software doesn't care if is CrossUP or CrossDn the output(equity curve) will be the same.

hannahis wrote:

Lastly, one of the reasons why I don't use Generator in both FSB Pro or EA Studio is, I often get "theoretically unsound" EA being churned out by Generator and after looking at the EA's rule structure, I discard them and don't run use the Generator at all. 

I prefer to use the Optimiser instead because I will input some "Basic Structure" in my opening/closing conditions and then let the Optimiser "fine tune" the EA and recently I've been getting fantastic results.  These "Basic Structure" is part of my workflow (which of cos contain more than these 2 basic rules) whereby there are some "Basic Trading rules" that are necessary for a EA to be profitable.  And of cos part of basic rules (are common sense) is to use the 2 methods I've suggested in the post (which any novice traders would take this knowledge for granted) and ironically, Generator is not using these basic rule in it's algorithm to search for reliable and repeatable patterns that are necessary for EA to stay profitable and robust.

Kindly consider these suggestions so that FSB users can enjoy greater success...especially for those taking the data mining path.  It cuts down the time needed to generate EA and improve the search quality.

PS: For those who don't want to wait till these rules are implemented into the Generator's algorithm, you can use the Optimiser like the Generator.  The only difference is to input your own trading rules (if you don't know any trading rules to use, go to the website http://forex-strategies-revealed.com and read up some of the strategies and input them yourself in FSB.  And then let the Optimiser fine tune for you.  If you aren't sure of the parameters to use, use Optimiser +/- !0% or more but if you are more or less sure of the rules, optimise only 5%

There is 2 main types of systematic trading strategies:

  • Ideas first, where you select one or more trading rules from a list of candidates, each based on a brilliant idea.

  • Data First, where you define an acceptance criteria and let the software find a good and over fitted equity curve.

This is the magic of this software, you can research the way you want.


I have great news for you my friend.

I've talked to Popov last week, soon EA-Studio will have some option in the generator process that allow the user to define options as Opening Logic Condition: Long Only , Short Only, LongShort Symmetric.

And in a near future ea-studio will bring some cool features of FSB Prolike "Lock indicators" when you are using generator. Stay tuned!

3 (edited by hannahis 2018-03-27 20:18:24)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Hi ViniQ

Thanks for your interesting feedback.

Here is some of my comments for your kind considerations

1.  You mentioned...

I believe equity curve and acceptance does a good job and this is the key to filter if a system has a chance.

Of course you can cut off when you see a strategy that YOU don't believe eg. "Alligator 160 periods, -132 shift ".

Yes, the Acceptance Criteria and equity curve can filter out some EA but it can't filer out EA that can produce "nice equity curve" due to curve fitting and randomness (Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events. A random sequence of events, symbols or steps has no order and does not follow an intelligible pattern or combination)

And hence there are lots of "complains" from users about "beautiful equity curve EA" but failed miserably in live/demo testing.  Using the 2 Filter Rules that I've suggested would cut off EA that are curve fitted but do not have sound logical rules.  And hence improve the quality of the search outcome. 


Say good bye to "follow the trend" and "follow trend rules" type of systems.

From the chart you post, it may seem like follow the trend/rules doesn't apply.  From a trader perspective, it is possible to apply trading rules to it (though it may not necessary call trend follow, more like, scalper EA which no matter what types of trading strategies, the basic rules still apply i.e. you don't Buy/Long position with a faster parameter bigger than the slower parameter eg 100 MA above 50 MA or 10 MA above 5 MA etc.

If you think Generator can find you an "EA that doesn't need to apply sound trading rules" and yet still stay profitable for a long time, I'm would be very surprise.  Cos I can't imagine any "illogical EA being profitable".

3. Use only Buying/Long Rules for Opening Conditions.  And your reply is -

We already have it in FSB

There is in FSB Pro an indicator called "Long or Short" and you can Lock indicators in the generator.

Now this is something new.  And I may need Popov to clarify on this matter.

All the while I have assumed that all the conditions you put into Opening logic are meant for Buying/Long positions only (by default)

The purpose of the Opening Conditions is to allow a market entry and provide a trading direction. An order is allowed only if all open logic conditions in the strategy are met.

If the strategy does not include Opening Conditions, or if they are fulfilled for both directions of trade at the same time, the direction for opening a position cannot be determined and no order will be executed.

It is important to know that the Opening Conditions, you set, determine the long entry rules and the software calculates the short entry rules using the same indicators but in reverse. You can still use strategies trading in only one direction but you will need to use the Long or Short indicator

. Taken from https://forexsb.com/wiki/fsbpro_guide/o … condition

From the statement above, one can assume that the Opening condition determine the Long entry Rules.

Hence, if I have input 3 opening rules, (I assume from what I understood from the above statement taken from FSB website) It means, the EA is to open a Buy/Long position only when these 3 opening conditions are true/satisfied.  I don't have to add another indicator called the "Long only or Short only indicator".  To tell the EA which direction is it for. 

And for Short positions, FSB will then "automatically' reverse my opening logic for Short/Sell positions.

Don't tell me that if I don't put this extra indicator called the "Long or Short", FSB won't know what to do when all the opening logic is true/satisfied?  It wouldn't know whether it's to Buy/Long or to Sell/Short?

The "Long Only or Short Only" indicator is for cases whereby some trading rules (logic) are only meant for 1 direction only (eg Buy) and one can't apply the reverse (logic) the trading rules for an opposite direction (eg sell).  Hence, we use the "Long only" indicator to tell FSB not to "automatically" reverse the logic for a Short position (and vice versa).

Now if I'm correct in my interpretation that FSB Opening Logic are meant to set rules for Long/Buy positions (by default),  then my suggestion for Popov to only use Long/Buy logic options (such as Rising, higher than, cross upward etc) and not to use Short/Sell logic (eg Falling, lower than, direction down etc) for Opening conditions in the Generator would then cut down the number of "wrongful" production of "illogical EA" that would otherwise still pass Acceptance criteria and produce nice equity curve simply because in data mining, these EA are curve fitted to produce profitable results due to randomness and yet doesn't contain the characteristics of robust EA that has repeatable patterns for future success.

And even if you use the "Long only or Short only" indicator, it doesn't prevent the Generator from using wrong opening conditions such as falling, lower than and change direction downward for a Buy/Long only position.  Or using the wrong parameter for your setting.

4. "In another words maybe faster parameters must be smaller"

It's an idea consider only trending type of system and exclude mean reversion type of systems from this list, but I don't consider it good idea.

Some rules it will not matter at all, eg. CrossUP( MA(Close, 15), MA(Close, 30) ) is the same that CrossDown(MA(close, 30), MA(Close, 15) right?

Software doesn't care if is CrossUP or CrossDn the output(equity curve) will be the same.

I assume this statement is made with the wrong assumption that Opening Logic is for both Long or Short direction and you need an extra indicator "Long only or Short Only" indicator to tell FSB the direction.

However, if one were to assume that Opening Logic are meant for Long entry only (unless you use the "Long only or Short Only" indicator to tell it otherwise), then it does matter if you input a Wrong direction parameter such as fast Ma is bigger than slow MA, eg Buy when MA 100 (faster) is higher than MA 50 (Slower).  The word faster already meant that the parameter suppose to be smaller than the Slower, eg a 50 days average suppose to be reacting faster to price changes as compared to the 100 MA (which is the slower parameter).  So when Generator ignore such basic rules of mixing up what the word faster mean and ended up using a Bigger parameter for a Faster MA but a smaller parameter for a Slower MA, then the Generator is going against trading logic.

Even if you were to use a Mean reversion trading strategy, you will also likely to follow this basic rule, you Buy when the faster parameter is smaller than the slower parameter and Faster MA is higher than Slower MA (eg Faster MA = 50 and Slower MA = 100) and vise versa for a Short position, it will still be Faster MA = 50 and Slower MA = 100) but this time it's when Faster MA is below Slower MA.  Hence, whether you are going short or long, the Faster MA is still smaller than Slower MA.  The only difference is whether Faster MA is higher than or lower than Slower MA to determine the direction.  But the rule for the parameters still stay the same, faster parameter is always smaller than slower parameter.

Ok, I hope I've cleared up some of the wrong assumptions here and thanks once again for your feedback and I look forward for the new features in EA Studio.

4 (edited by GD 2018-03-28 03:46:42)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Problems with indicators

Before you use an EA, you have to be sure that FSBPro and MT4 give very close results by use Backtesting.
I use control points for MT4.

FOR EACH INDICATOR used in EA, it is a good idea to check coincidence between FSBpro and MT4.
Sometimes different functions of same indicator do not give the same results in MT4!
It happens to customize indicators and also to standard indicators.

Recently I found problems with DeMarker (in case of lower than the level line) and Oscillator of Trix.
I checked the code, as much it was possible but I did not find any problem in the main part of indicator!!!

I recommend to Popov to have a place in this forum to check only that.
EA behavior with only one indicator. He can standardize the procedure... by asking the users to use specific template at first.
So everybody can present problems without to present his/her secrets.

It is not necessary to present an EA. It is enough to present only one EA using ONE indicator, the one with problems.

If indicators one by one do not perform well, it is waste of time to use FSB pro.
Some of them show larger sensitivity in problems, some others not.

It is good to help each other all users to that, so Popov, Footon and others can make life of all easier.

5 (edited by GD 2018-03-28 03:59:53)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Somebody can say.  "There are problems with back testing with MT4".

Myself, I cannot understand why it needs so much time in MT4 even by using FSBpro MQ4 indicators to calculate control values.

The questions to answered are:

1. How we can be sure for same performance of indicators in FSBPro and MT4?

2. How can we run Portfolio (a lot of EAs) in MQ4 if nothing is guaranteed for same performance?

For this reason I recommended everybody to do the above test and mentioned in a specific place of this FORUM created by Popov.

It is impossible to have wins without to be sure on above factors.

The FSB pro is not the problem as idea but we must be careful with what indicators we use.


1. I believe that it is more convenient to have an utility inside FSB pro to combine easily ready EAs to one EA (portfolio).
It can be done and now if increase number of functions... more than 8 and use groups.
2. Run EAs from inside FSBpro with better than existed conditions and forget for ever mq4...
3. A BAR CLOSING at NEXT OPEN BAR should be added soon. I tried to do it but I think Software did not permit me to do this indicator css to run in FSB pro.

MT4 is totally bulls...

Sleytus creates utilities for FSB pro. I think he has to create possibilities to include any case combination of journals presented by Popov.

For the moment I also did not win money by using FSB pro BUT I did not spend time  with that.
From now I will...

6 (edited by GD 2018-03-28 04:35:31)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

I will give 2 examples relative to previous
No ambiguous bars

If in an area an indicator does not perform well, the EA will also will not perform well and portfolio also.

https://s31.postimg.org/n57p9sqrb/image.jpg https://s31.postimg.org/6u7ldhlzb/image.jpg

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Those items that are not what you like can be edited out of each indicator.

8 (edited by GD 2018-04-01 14:22:32)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate


Demarker and Trix Oscillator are standard indicators coming with software and should be fine.
I checked them. They look fine. Angle of Averages look to me also fine

I cannot find reason in code myself in MQ4.

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Each of us has areas of concern...

My solution so far has been to not use certain indicators at all. That is based on my lack of understanding as to what the problems can be LOL

There are so many indicators of similar abilities that I pick and choose what seems to work.

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

@hannahis: You said "I noticed that the Generator sometimes (in fact often) generate EA that has "wrong" rules such as for Long position, it has rules such as change direction down, falling, cross downward, all these are "wrong" because their rules are going against the trend for a Buy/Long position and they don't stay profitable in long run."

I can´t agree less, because pairs like for example AUDCAD (the perfect example actually) work ONLY with such mean reversion strategies and I have quite a few profitable systems (on 32 years of data on H1) that use exactly these rules that you think are wrong. So please Mr. Popov, do not exclude these kind of generated strategies.

Thanks a lot :-)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate


So are you saying that you enter a buy/long positions with input such as falling, change direction downwards and lower than or you sell/short with using inputs such as rising, change direction upwards and higher than?

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate


Try to assume that the different variables are part of a larger formula, all the variables combined give the result.

These are arithmetic, not chart drawings...., they are calculations that go together.

My explanation is probably less than good.... hahaha  perhaps someone else can paint the picture more clearly

13 (edited by hannahis 2018-04-11 19:16:04)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Blaiserboy wrote:


Try to assume that the different variables are part of a larger formula, all the variables combined give the result.

These are arithmetic, not chart drawings...., they are calculations that go together.

My explanation is probably less than good.... hahaha  perhaps someone else can paint the picture more clearly

Hi Dave, yes I understand, what's want data mining is all about.

However, I think if I'm a user, what really matters to me most?

A product that can churn out millions and zillions possibilities? or A product that can churn out highly probable and high quality EA?

Between having more millions of various EA formulas or having a much better and successful search system, I rather give up the millions of "nonsensical and random" combinations of formulas that do not give me high probable and quality EA and settle for a limited but highly successful search system that yield better and higher profitable EA.

Cos at the end of the day, I'm not comparing and buying which software that can churn out more zillions or millions of combinations/formula.  At the end of the day, I'm looking for a software that can churn out highly probable and profitable EA. 

So by cutting down the number of search possibility for a better and limited search system that can yield higher profitable EA based on sound trading theory, I would gladly give up those zillions possibilities (cos they are more a distractions and diversion, a waste of my time and energy, testing them in demo accounts or do all those walk forwards and backwards, only to realised there is no predictable patterns for it to remain profitable in any market conditions) and throw out those zillions of "useless combinations" that are a matter of some mathematical curve fitted solutions.

If I have the mind of Popov, I would be putting my algorithm into my software so that all (if not most) of my users would definitely have a profitable EA.  Cos right now, if I were to put my set of rules (liken a template) into FSB and let FSB churn out more EA (by optimising or generating more rules), most of these EA would be profitable.  Hence, if I were to sell my own software, I would have put these "templates" into my software to ensure most of my customer would have encounter higher success in searching for profitable EA.  And most will be very happy customers.  Would they then care so much as to whether my system can't churn out more zillions of EA like other products/software.  No, they won't care.  Cos at the end of the day, all they want is to churn out profitable EA, mindlessly.

Ok, these are just my thoughts...of cos there are many others who will think otherwise, the very thoughts that they can have zillions of combination make them very happy. 

Which would I prefer? The opportunity to search the entire ocean for treasures, or be given a map, marked with an X on it, indicating where I can find sunken treasures to narrow the search down for me?  If giving one, the opportunity to search the whole ocean is liken, a software that can generate a zillions of combinations and you have to "scanned" through these zillions of EA to find the "hidden" treasures.  But honestly, I rather someone give me a map with as limited search area as possible whereby this area is "dense" with highly precious treasures.

I hope you are doing fine and hitting your 3000 pips goal soon smile

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

hannahis wrote:


So are you saying that you enter a buy/long positions with input such as falling, change direction downwards and lower than or you sell/short with using inputs such as rising, change direction upwards and higher than?

Yes, exactly that, that is for AUDCAD (and other mainly ranging pairs like NOKSEK) though only. It´s mean reversion style. For trending ones like EURUSD, GBPUSD, it´s the opposite (what you said). However, if the Generator would not create such combinations, it would not find any more strategies for AUDCAD (e.g. which are not trending most of the time). As I said, I have well performing systems on AUDCAD that use exactly the rules you´ve mentioned and which you think are "wrong". It would be not that great if Popov would remove that! There are not only trending pairs out there ;-)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

I did get the 3000 pips a couple months ago.

Probably you should study a little bit about how to construct a computer program, how 'if' statements are combined so that you can grasp the programs prepared by FSBPro so that you can recognize the value of the variety of statements in each indicator.

These statements actually enhance the quality of the strategies.

You can believe Geek....... he has been travelling this road for a long time, one of the reasons he is using FSBPro is those very statements that you dislike. He has competitor software and he sees the advantage of FSBPro to get better quality strategies.

Geek spends a lot of money each month on VPS for processing, in other words he has a pretty good idea as to what is needed to make the good things happen. One day he may be good enough to describe his development approach and system, I am sure it is  pretty sophisticated.

Those statements are not causing us grief, they are helping us to succeed.

As an aside, when I get a strategy that I really like, I use another bunch of currencies to create EA's so as to have a variety without the lengthy processing.

We really need only 6 or 10 strategies and use them on several currencies each.

Look into how a computer program uses logic to develop its executions and you will have a better idea as to how valuable these things are.

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

An alternative to running the generator for hours and hours may be to set up a chart with the indicators you want and place them into FSBPro

That way you can save a bundle of time and get good results.


Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

geektrader wrote:
hannahis wrote:


So are you saying that you enter a buy/long positions with input such as falling, change direction downwards and lower than or you sell/short with using inputs such as rising, change direction upwards and higher than?

Yes, exactly that, that is for AUDCAD (and other mainly ranging pairs like NOKSEK) though only. It´s mean reversion style. For trending ones like EURUSD, GBPUSD, it´s the opposite (what you said). However, if the Generator would not create such combinations, it would not find any more strategies for AUDCAD (e.g. which are not trending most of the time). As I said, I have well performing systems on AUDCAD that use exactly the rules you´ve mentioned and which you think are "wrong". It would be not that great if Popov would remove that! There are not only trending pairs out there ;-)

Hi Geektrader,

Thanks for sharing the alternative view.

18 (edited by hannahis 2018-04-12 05:00:35)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Blaiserboy wrote:

I did get the 3000 pips a couple months ago.

Probably you should study a little bit about how to construct a computer program, how 'if' statements are combined so that you can grasp the programs prepared by FSBPro so that you can recognize the value of the variety of statements in each indicator.

Good to hear that you reached your goal.

Yes, probably and most likely one day I will pick up computer programming. 

I've no doubt of Geek's extensive experience and expertise as I regard him as a trading expert, far more experienced than I.

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

I want to trade CFD's and want to become familiar with the qualities that occur when price moves higher.

I have made a scan so that when 5 or 6 conditions are met, then I know that it is ok to buy.

So far I am charting just under 100 of them and analyzing a few indicators for the conditions. Once I have this refined a bit more I will be able to use this for indexes and metals and energy.

When I get it right, it will be easy enough to transfer the values to FSBPro.

I did that for the Forex pairs a long time ago.

There is a better way than depending on the generator to find a system, we can preset the criteria and then look for the appropriate stop loss and take profit which takes only a few minutes.

Doing this saves an awful lot of generator and optimizer time.

20 (edited by hannahis 2018-04-12 09:41:23)

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Thanks Dave for sharing your tips.

I agree with you.  I too use a set of rules (as templates) and then use the Optimiser to refine them further.  And the outcome can be surprising good, indeed far efficient than simply rely on Generator.  That's what I was trying to share, input some trading rules and then generate or optmise, it's far better results.

Re: Increase Generator Success Rate

Today I am working with something I wrote in MT5...... and I just wanted to point out that the time it takes to test in MT5 using tick data is horrendous. The same with MT4.

It is so much faster to use FSBPro and that far outweighs any inconvenience from the extra logic steps when using the generator.